#trailbuilding dopo il nubifragio, ma è sempre un piacere passare il tempo a curare il bosco.
One less muddy section of trail. #trailbuilding #hike #hiker #outside #getoutside #trail
#trail #getoutside #outside #hiker #hike #trailbuilding
Bought a lamp for my bike a few years ago. I used it once. Not sure why I didn't use it more. I guess I couldn't get my head around riding in the dark. I have used the lamp twice in the last week. Last night was so beautiful with the fresh snow and the snow still falling. Just another reason why I love winter riding. Trails were rock solid. #fatbike #nightride #winterbike #mtb #ecmtb #mtbatlantic #backyardtrails #trailbuilding #trailgrooming #enjoywinter #wintercycling #giantyukon #fatbiking
#fatbike #nightride #winterbike #mtb #ecmtb #mtbatlantic #backyardtrails #trailbuilding #trailgrooming #enjoywinter #wintercycling #giantyukon #fatbiking
Fatte un paio di uscite di #trailbuilding sul sentiero dietro casa. Il setup funziona, ho comprato una bella roncola nuova, una pala smontabile e una sega a catena manuale.
Il sentiero ancora chiuso è in brutte condizioni quindi a parte un paio di sfide trialistiche divertenti ma fallite è stato perlopiù lavoro di pulizia.
Il tutto comunque è molto più rapido dato che mi muovo tra gli spot in #mtb invece che a piedi, quindi senza questo approccio avrei fatto molto meno.
Nel complesso test sul campo superato.
This is a great story about 40 years of building the Ōakura Coast Nature Trail.
#TrailBuilding #Nature #Conservation
#trailbuilding #nature #conservation
Oggi ho pensato che il #trailbuilding potrebbe essere una disciplina pseudo-sportiva.
Una intersezione tra #MTB, #trekking e #bushcrafting.
L'obiettivo è percorrere sentieri e aprirne di nuovi o pulirli allo stesso tempo.
Si raggiungono e percorrono i sentieri in bici finché sono pedalabili, poi si procede a piedi e quando c'è una barriera si impugna il machete e ci si fa strada.
L'idea nasce dal fatto che spesso quando si raggiunge un sentiero non si sa mai se e come sia percorribile e si va via sperando che ipotetici angeli manutentori siano intervenuti la prossima volta che ci si va.
Meglio allora attrezzarsi per affrontare il sentiero in qualsiasi condizione esso sia, e fare comunque un'attività in base alle sue condizioni.
1/2 ↓
#trailbuilding #mtb #trekking #bushcrafting
Oggi ho pensato che il #trailbuilding potrebbe essere una disciplina pseudo-sportiva.
Una intersezione tra #MTB, #trekking e #bushcrafting.
L'obiettivo è percorrere sentieri e aprirne di nuovi o pulirli allo stesso tempo.
Si raggiungono e percorrono i sentieri in bici finché sono pedalabili, poi si procede a piedi e quando c'è una barriera si impugna il machete e ci si fa strada.
L'idea nasce dal fatto che spesso quando si raggiunge un sentiero non si sa mai se e come sia percorribile e si va via sperando che ipotetici angeli manutentori siano intervenuti la prossima volta che ci si va.
Meglio allora attrezzarsi per affrontare il sentiero in qualsiasi condizione esso sia, e fare comunque un'attività in base alle sue condizioni.
Idealmente ad ogni passaggio il sentiero starà sempre meglio fino a diventare percorribile in MTB!
#trailbuilding #mtb #trekking #bushcrafting
Even more outraged over the plight of real, life-threatened refugees now that I’m frustrated just trying to navigate immigration to mastodon just to escape one muskrat. #waltham #mapoli #farmersmarkets #landtrust #Deadheads #trailbuilding #climatecrisis #dimsum #TTB #safestreets #rvtravel #thaifood #workercoop #localactivism
#localactivism #workercoop #thaifood #rvtravel #safestreets #TTB #dimsum #climatecrisis #trailbuilding #Deadheads #landtrust #farmersmarkets #mapoli #waltham
Intro post. Haven’t done one of these in ages. My life revolves around bikes, food, music and my family. I run a bike shop/cafe in a small Minnesota town, put on a fun gravel ride with friends, gain access for #mountainbikes in our woods, and work to make sure #cycling connectivity in town gets safer. Love #music and going to shows, i cook and #bake all the time and gaze in Wonder at the people my kids are turning into. #mountainbiking #trailbuilding #singletrackmind #bikesbelong #commutebybike
#mountainbikes #cycling #music #BAKE #mountainbiking #trailbuilding #singletrackmind #bikesbelong #commutebybike
Intro post. Haven’t done one of these in ages. My life revolves around bikes, food, music and my family. I run a bike shop/cafe in a small Minnesota town, put on a fun gravel ride with friends, gain access for #mountainbikes in our woods, and work to make sure #cycling connectivity in town gets safer. Love #music and going to shows, i cook and #bake all the time and gaze in Wonder at the people my kids are turning into. #mountainbiking #trailbuilding #singletrackmind #bikesbelong #commutebybike
#mountainbikes #cycling #music #BAKE #mountainbiking #trailbuilding #singletrackmind #bikesbelong #commutebybike
The #bayarea #ridgetrail is an underrated and often overlooked route covering hundreds of miles of terrain around the #sanfrancisco bay. Once complete it’ll allow for a full and uninterrupted #circumnavigation, in a total of ~550 miles.
#speedland donate $$$ to the charity of my choosing every year and I, an aspiring circumnavigator selected the #trailbuilding #fund
Here is a short interview about why it means so much to me, and why I want to #run it …
#run #fund #trailbuilding #speedland #circumnavigation #sanfrancisco #ridgetrail #bayarea
The #bayarea #ridgetrail is an underrated and often overlooked route covering hundreds of miles of terrain around the #sanfrancisco bay. Once complete it’ll allow for a full and uninterrupted #circumnavigation, in a total of ~550 miles.
#speedland donate $$$ to the charity of my choosing every year and I, an aspiring circumnavigator selected the #trailbuilding #fund
Here is a short interview about why it means so much to me, and why I want to #run it …
#run #fund #trailbuilding #speedland #circumnavigation #sanfrancisco #ridgetrail #bayarea
We put on some new rock to help with erosion along the #mountainstosea today. There could not have been better weather for it! Not pictured, but we also worked on filling in some mud holes along a different part of the trail. It was awesome to see so many people helping out! #mst #trailbuilding #northcarolina
#mountainstosea #mst #trailbuilding #northcarolina
A #hobby of mine is building #barkyard #trails I mostly build them for #fatbiking in the #winter started building these trails during #lockdown from #covid I had to do a bunch of clean up recently. 👉🏻 Backyard Trail Clean Up // Is It Winter Yet?
https://youtu.be/GC8fd5-mDgo. #mtb #backyardtrailbuilding #trailbuilding #winterbike #fatbiking #fatbike
#hobby #barkyard #trails #fatbiking #winter #lockdown #covid #mtb #backyardtrailbuilding #trailbuilding #winterbike #fatbike
Good bike ride with C around Whareora farm park today followed by a bit more digging, didn't get much distance in the digging but a got a lot more scrub cleared on the route the track will take.
#trailbuilding #MTB 👁️