While I'm doing old photos - here's an interesting one.
Mrs Mike's father in the driving cab of a London #Underground battery engine used for shunting and moving stock when the power to the rails is off.
I think this is #Cricklewood depot about 1977
#london #Londontransport #TfL #LondonUnderground #trains #Trainspotter #traindriver #traindriverlife
#underground #cricklewood #london #londontransport #tfl #londonunderground #trains #Trainspotter #traindriver #traindriverlife
Sunbeams for my last shift before annual leave. ☀️ No doubt it will now rain for the next two weeks.
#MetLineChronicles #London #Harrow #LondonUnderground #LondonLife #Londoner #Shiftwork #TrainDriverLife #Photography #iPhoneography
#metlinechronicles #london #harrow #londonunderground #londonlife #Londoner #shiftwork #traindriverlife #photography #iphoneography
Not quite a tequila sunrise this morning, but it’ll do.
#London #BostonManor #Brentford #LondonUnderground #LondonLife #Londoner #Shiftwork #TrainDriverLife
#london #bostonmanor #brentford #londonunderground #londonlife #Londoner #shiftwork #traindriverlife