Extensibility Of U-Net Neural Network Model For Hydrographic Feature Extraction And Implications For Hydrologic Modeling
https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13122368 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #machinelearning #neuralnetwork #Unet #featureextraction #hydrography #hydrology #water #automation #remotesensing #surfacewater #NHD #bluelines #topography #deeplearning #AI #artificialintelligence #LiDAR #ifSAR #elevation #topography #ANN #HPC #model #modeling #trainingdata #Alaska #USA #watersheds #DTM #DSM #DEM #routing #network #D8 #maps #opendata #3dep #elevation #topography #USGS
#gis #spatial #mapping #machinelearning #neuralnetwork #unet #featureextraction #hydrography #hydrology #water #automation #remotesensing #surfacewater #nhd #bluelines #topography #deeplearning #AI #artificialintelligence #lidar #ifsar #elevation #ann #hpc #model #modeling #trainingdata #alaska #USA #watersheds #dtm #dsm #dem #routing #network #d8 #Maps #opendata #3dep #usgs
The battle between authors and AI companies is interesting. With Book3, there is a significant push to wipe the training data off the internet. Given that Meta and OpenAI can buy all the copyrighted material they need, the losers might be open-source projects and the knowledge of the training set. Both would be catastrophic for access and transparency. Let's hope fair use doctrines prevail. Please have a look at WIRED for a deep dive into the topic.
#AI #trainingdata
RoboAgent Gets Its MT-ACT Together - Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have shared a pre-print paper on general... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/20/roboagent-gets-its-mt-act-together/ #carnegiemellonuniversity #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #researchproject #computervision #generalization #kitchenhacks #trainingdata #robotshacks #trajectory #research #robotarm #science #kitchen #robot #news #meta
#meta #news #robot #kitchen #science #robotarm #research #trajectory #robotshacks #trainingdata #kitchenhacks #generalization #computervision #researchproject #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #carnegiemellonuniversity
Hackaday Links: August 13, 2023 - Remember that time when the entire physics community dropped what it was doing to ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/13/hackaday-links-august-13-2023/ #roomtemperaturesuperconductor #researchplatform #hackadaycolumns #machinelearning #superconductor #termsofservice #hackadaylinks #semiconductor #interconnect #trainingdata #skepticism #spacejunk #pimoroni #scripps #slider #debunk #heist #lk-99 #orbit #theft #eula #flip #zoom #leo #meo #tos #ai
#ai #tos #meo #leo #zoom #flip #eula #theft #orbit #lk #heist #debunk #slider #scripps #pimoroni #spacejunk #skepticism #trainingdata #interconnect #semiconductor #hackadaylinks #termsofservice #superconductor #machinelearning #hackadaycolumns #researchplatform #roomtemperaturesuperconductor
But other political scientists sharply disagreed. Last year, @henryfarrell, #JeremyWallace and #AbrahamNewman published a thoroughgoing rebuttal to Harari in *#ForeignAffairs*:
They argued that - like everyone who gets excited about AI, only to have their hopes dashed - dictators seeking to use AI to understand the public mood would run into serious #TrainingData bias problems.
#jeremywallace #abrahamnewman #foreignaffairs #trainingdata
Exclusive: AP strikes news-sharing and tech deal with OpenAI https://www.axios.com/2023/07/13/ap-openai-news-sharing-tech-deal #AI #TrainingData
@lupyuen What I'd like to know is how #Alphabet / #Google plan to legally defend scraping the entire public internet for their #LLM #TrainingData.
#alphabet #google #llm #trainingdata #law #legal #ai #generativeai
It worries me that tech commentators are talking about how #AI generated content will #poison future AI #trainingdata As if somehow pulling data from the internet could be considered clean and appropriate for training
(A reminder that #OpenAI training included content from #4chan
#ai #poison #trainingdata #openai #4chan
Israel Ministry of Justice Issues Opinion Supporting the Use of Copyrighted Works for Machine Learning - Disruptive Competition Project https://www.project-disco.org/intellectual-property/011823-israel-ministry-of-justice-issues-opinion-supporting-the-use-of-copyrighted-works-for-machine-learning/ (same as Japan did) #AI #copyright #TrainingData
Great discusion at the 'Latent Space: From Datasets to Digital Heritage' event at Birkbeck today https://www.bbk.ac.uk/events/remote_event_view?id=37530
The eeriest part was uploading my profile pic from work to https://haveibeentrained.com/ and finding a tribe of middle-aged women with short blonde hair. I guess they're all real? Apart from the potential for haircut inspiration, imagine what we could achieve en masse!
#ai #data #machinelearning #trainingdata
Japan Goes All In: Copyright Doesn't Apply To AI Training https://bit.ly/43fVqCn #AI #copyright #TrainingData
Japan's Copyright Exception for AI Training Data | Shelly Palmer https://bit.ly/43DGTjG #AI #copyright #TrainingData
๐ก Microsoft Build 2023 Recorded Presentations Now Available On-Demand
Microsoft Build Portal (No Registration Required)
#Microsoft #Build #Build2023 #MicrosoftBuild #Cloud #Mesh #ChatGPT #GPT #OpenAI #Edge #Bing #GitHub #Azure #AI #ML #AR #VR #MR #XR #Windows #Accessibility #Inclusion #TrainingData #Copyright #Infringement #Accessibility #Inclusion
#microsoft #build #build2023 #microsoftbuild #cloud #mesh #chatgpt #gpt #openai #edge #bing #github #azure #ai #ml #ar #vr #mr #xr #windows #accessibility #inclusion #trainingdata #copyright #infringement
Hmmm... Windows 11 / 10? File Explorer will include built-in Zip, 7-Zip, TAR, RAR, and possibly other archival format compression / decompression in a future update
Mouse Without Borders in latest PowerToys allows you to use one mouse+keyboard across multiple devices
#Microsoft #Build #Build2023 #MicrosoftBuild #Cloud #Mesh #ChatGPT #GPT #OpenAI #Edge #Bing #GitHub #Azure #AI #ML #AR #VR #MR #XR #Windows #Accessibility #Inclusion #TrainingData #Copyright #Infringement
#microsoft #build #build2023 #microsoftbuild #cloud #mesh #chatgpt #gpt #openai #edge #bing #github #azure #ai #ml #ar #vr #mr #xr #windows #accessibility #inclusion #trainingdata #copyright #infringement
This could be of interest ๐
Now streaming live...
Metaverse Meets Generative AI: Opportunities & Challenges Ahead
#Microsoft #Build #Build2023 #MicrosoftBuild #Cloud #Mesh #ChatGPT #GPT #OpenAI #Edge #Bing #GitHub #Azure #AI #ML #AR #VR #MR #XR #Windows #Accessibility #Inclusion #TrainingData #Copyright #Infringement
#microsoft #build #build2023 #microsoftbuild #cloud #mesh #chatgpt #gpt #openai #edge #bing #github #azure #ai #ml #ar #vr #mr #xr #windows #accessibility #inclusion #trainingdata #copyright #infringement
๐ก Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material Generated by Artificial Intelligence
A Build 2023 attendee posted this link in a session's chat today...
I haven't read it yet, but it seems interesting
#Microsoft #Build #Build2023 #MicrosoftBuild #Cloud #Mesh #ChatGPT #GPT #OpenAI #Edge #Bing #GitHub #Azure #AI #ML #AR #VR #MR #XR #Windows #Accessibility #Inclusion #TrainingData #Copyright #Infringement
#microsoft #build #build2023 #microsoftbuild #cloud #mesh #chatgpt #gpt #openai #edge #bing #github #azure #ai #ml #ar #vr #mr #xr #windows #accessibility #inclusion #trainingdata #copyright #infringement
In all our understanding of #AI, there are still articles like this that are all sun and roses
Where is the discussion on project #risk, on #privacy, #cost of resources on quality of #trainingdata?
Where is the #conflictofinterest statement?
Absolutely, businesses should be thinking about, and and usually preparing for future use of #AI, but we are definitely approaching peak #hype. Let's at least be a little professional in our discussions
#ai #risk #privacy #cost #trainingdata #conflictofinterest #hype
Giving writers the option sounds reasonable. Instead of opting everyone in without their consent or knowledge, let's have it as a setting writers can toggle on. Promote it so writers know about it and understand the rewards and tradeoffs of licensing their writing for LLMs. Also could it be anonymized somehow, in case someone doesn't want #ChatGPT to be able to write a story in their style?
#Medium #AI #LLM #TrainingData #AICompanies
#chatgpt #medium #ai #llm #trainingdata #aicompanies
#medium #trainingdata #aicompanies
Training data for AI is not measured in quality or popularity only by amount. So every post is valuable for Ai therefore every post should get a part of the money.
#aicompanies #trainingdata #medium