@Genen 2nd hand "feets on the grounds" report from friends on the west side of Springfield: I was the first person to tell them about 45 mins. ago that anything was wrong. Now they're keeping an eye on local news in case things change.
None of the reports I saw included any pics with tanker cars...looks like those cargo carriers.
#Ohio #SloMotionGenocide #TrainsGoodPlanesBad #NoAgenda #WhereInTheWorldIsMayorPeteNow
#ohio #slomotiongenocide #trainsgoodplanesbad #noagenda #whereintheworldismayorpetenow
#TrainsGoodPlanesBad #HighSpeedRail
Why California's High Speed Rail May Never Get Finished | Marc Joffe
#trainsgoodplanesbad #highspeedrail
The World Economic Forum is encouraging European attendees to come to its exclusive gathering in the Swiss Alps by train.
😂 12-hour train ride from London to Davos.
#wef22 #Davos #DavosAgenda
#wef22 #davos #DavosAgenda #trainsgoodplanesbad
The World Economic Forum is encouraging European attendees to come to its exclusive gathering in the Swiss Alps by train.
😂 12-hour train ride from London to Davos.
#wef22 #Davos #DavosAgenda
#wef22 #davos #DavosAgenda #trainsgoodplanesbad
I got on this weird train with Molly McChord, because of Moe. Now I'm being presented with lots of God and astrology. It's new and foreign to me. Anyone else aboard? #trainsgoodplanesbad
I got on this weird train with Molly McChord, because of Moe. Now I'm being presented with lots of God and astrology. It's new and foreign to me. Anyone else aboard? #trainsgoodplanesbad
Private Train to Las Vegas Moves Closer to Bond Approval: “California may allocate a portion of its limited tax-exempt financing allotment to a proposed private train to Las Vegas” #trainsgoodplanesbad http://sobr.org/g1Y
A United Airlines flight from Eagle, Colorado to Newark, New Jersey, on Sunday was diverted to Denver after passengers became disruptive when another person sneezed.
#trainsgoodplanesbad #wereallgonnadie
I think the last report from the siding in front of @Johncdvorak 's place was that the cars were out of storage, and presumably in-use.
#foamer #zephyr #trainsgoodplanesbad
Ep 1112.
It makes me sad that #trainsgoodplanesbad ends with a few minutes of the boys saying "yeah, we said it was a scam, now it's over."
We all spent a lot of time listening to that shit back in the day. All well that ends well, I guess...
@ChrisWilson I think on r/conspiracy I just read about some correlation with the burnt lands and the railway they've been working on for years now... Basically, the fires were planned to clear space for the rails... Didn't look too deeply into it but I'll keep it in mind.