Riddle me this: How is there already a TSW 4??? TSW 3 has been out for less time then the gap between 2 and 3! #TrainSimWorld #TrainSimulator #Games
#trainsimworld #trainsimulator #games
Jo: va, tinc ganes de conduir una estoneta al #TrainSimWorld, ara que amb la nova gràfica va super bé el joc
El Train Sim World: clar que sí, rei, espera vint putos minuts a que pugen els passatgers en esta estació i després condueix a 10 km/h durant mitja hora perquè sí
He estat jugant per primera vegada a un joc AAA en #Linux des que canvií la targeta gràfica a una #RTX4070, i el rendiment és impecable. Llevat d'algun fotograma tonto que es perdia pel camí, he pogut jugar a #TrainSimWorld sense cap problema, tot i ser un joc només de #Windows.
Cada vegada tinc més clar que els #videojocs ja no són excusa per a continuar fent servir Windows 😄
#linux #rtx4070 #trainsimworld #windows #videojocs
There's something nostalgic about the Isle of Wight, not least because until recently the Island Line ran tube trains from the London Underground dating from 1938! Thankfully, the wonders of simulation mean this era will live on indefinitely and we can revisit any time we like. #TrainSimWorld #TSW #IsleOfWight #IslandLine
#trainsimworld #tsw #isleofwight #IslandLine
#TransOnTrains – heading to my hairdresser
Train Sim World fans may recognise Edinburgh Park, one of the stations on the new route that comes out today on most platforms – though I have to wait until Tuesday 😕
(selfie, eye contact)
#transontrains #TSW3 #trainsimworld
RT @trainsimworld@twitter.com
🚈 Master The Express! 🏴
Experience the bustling commuter services between Scotland’s two largest cities & master the mainline in Rivet Games' brand-new route!
ScotRail Express: Edinburgh – Glasgow is Coming to Train Sim World 3 on January 26th! 📆
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/trainsimworld/status/1616143939253448704
RT @trainsimworld@twitter.com
🚈 Coming Soon to #TrainSimWorld 3! 🏴
Take on modern Scottish traction with the ScotRail Class 385 EMU between Scotland’s two biggest cities! 🚈 🏴
Train Sim World 3: ScotRail Express: Edinburgh - Glasgow – coming January 26th!
Find out more here:
🔗 https://bit.ly/Master-The-Express-2
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/trainsimworld/status/1613547863295905794
RT @RivetGames@twitter.com
👀 Another look… #TrainSimWorld
👀 Noch ein Blick…
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RivetGames/status/1608531649490464769
RT @trainsimworld@twitter.com
It's time to reveal our Mystery Grand Prize!🎁
🚂 Hornby iTraveller 6000
🗓️ 1year Hornby Collectors Club
🎨 Design a Decal Set
🎮 TSW3 Deluxe Edition
🔑 Any 3 DLC keys
🎄 Holiday Express
Thank you @Hornby@twitter.com for helping create such an incredible reward!
#TrainSimWorld #12DaysofTSW
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/trainsimworld/status/1605896008340217857
RT @trainsimworld@twitter.com
🚈 Master the Electrics! 🇩🇪
Enter a vibrant and busy route between the cities of Bremen and Oldenburg, and take control of three generations of German traction with the electrifying Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg. 🇩🇪 🚈
Out Now for Train Sim World 3!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/trainsimworld/status/1600170836844871686
Pffff het wordt een dure periode. #MidnightSuns die uitkomt, een nieuwe #TrainSimWorld route en #LegoStarWars in de uitverkoop. Stel je voor dat #NfsUnbound een goede racegame wordt dan gaat het echt wel een heel duur begin van december worden. 😱
#MidnightSuns #trainsimworld #legostarwars #nfsunbound
New German route and n-Wagen hype!
RT @trainsimworld@twitter.com
🇩🇪 Coming Soon! 🇩🇪
Take a trip into Germany’s northwest region using both new and familiar locomotives with Bahnstrecke Bremen – Oldenburg! 🚈
Arriving as an Add-on for #TrainSimWorld 3 on December 6th! 📆
Learn more about this add-on here:
🎓 https://bit.ly/Master-The-Electric-2
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/trainsimworld/status/1597606642673238018
A little exploration of a few stations before I get into driving the new BR Class 323, and I’ve found cats 🐈! (A first for the game I think). I love the little touches of detail with the different name tags; There’s Tom Tom at Barnet Green and Phoebe at Alvechurch.
How many more to find I wonder? 🤔 😊 #TrainSimWorld #simulation #caturday
#trainsimworld #simulation #caturday
I’m going to be giving the new #TrainSimWorld Birmingham Cross City Line expansion a try this weekend. 🚂….
The new UK route for Train Sim World 3 has kittens and Hunslet bears and metal cow planters. Loving this route and the Class 323 DTG, can't wait to see more! @trainsimworld@twitter.com @HunsletTheBear@twitter.com
#masterthemachine #TrainSimWorld3 #trainsimworld
RT @Valkyrie_VP_@twitter.com
Had a great time on the Cross City route tonight! We found @HunsletTheBear@twitter.com , cute kitties, lots of metal cows and of course enjoyed the new traction! GG DTG! @trainsimworld@twitter.com
#TrainSimWorld #TSW3 #MasterTheMachine
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Valkyrie_VP_/status/1593361974280294401
#masterthemachine #TSW3 #trainsimworld
@schenklklopfer Eigentlich eine schöne Programmieridee: PC-Games (Simulationen) verbinden. #CitiesSkylines oder #SimCity baut die Stadt, die Ressourcen braucht. #TransportFever, #TrainSimWorld, #LKWSimulator usw. fahren das Material hin und her. Bei #Satisfactory baut mensch auf einem anderen Planeten ab und mit den #StarTrek-Frachtschiffen werden die zwischen den Planeten transportiert. 😁
Und irgendeine Finanzsimulation (#WiSo, #Finanzblick, #Elster) rechnet die Währungen um.
#citiesskylines #simcity #transportfever #trainsimworld #LKWSimulator #satisfactory #startrek #wiso #Finanzblick #elster
#Gaming in 2022 🙄
Warte ich erst auf den AdBlock-Crack?
#TrainSimWorld®️ #Werbung
#gaming #trainsimworld #werbung
The Flare Path: A2Z - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/P6Ao0fQlBTo/ #IL-2Sturmovik:BattleofBodenplatte #CombatMission:FortressItaly #CloseCombat:TheBloodyFirst #GraviteamTactics:MiusFront #Command:ModernOperations #MarchingEagles:Waterloo #DieselRailcarSimulator #planemechanicsimulator #SteelGear-Stalingrad #FeaturedArticles #GraviteamTactics #FantasyGeneral2 #StrikeFighters2 #ArmoredBrigade #TrainSimulator #UboatSimulator #TrainSimWorld #GeneralStaff #TheFlarePath #SecondFront
#il #combatmission #closecombat #graviteamtactics #command #marchingeagles #dieselrailcarsimulator #planemechanicsimulator #steelgear #featuredarticles #fantasygeneral2 #strikefighters2 #armoredbrigade #trainsimulator #uboatsimulator #trainsimworld #generalstaff #theflarepath #secondfront
The Flare Path: A2Z - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/g7mFkW1wM-o/ #SteelBeastsProPersonalEdition #AssettoCorsaCompetizione #WingsOverFlandersFields #ArmstrongPowerhouse #PortsofCallClassic #FeaturedArticles #FantasyGeneral2 #ArmoredBrigade #Automobilista2 #FieldofGloryII #SteelDivision2 #Automobilista #IL-2Sturmovik #RuletheWaves2 #TrainSimWorld #MountEverest #TheFlarePath #SteelBeasts #Barbarroja #DirtRally2 #Cricket19 #DCSWorld2 #DCS:World #Falcon4.0 #Airland #Japan45 #K2
#steelbeastspropersonaledition #assettocorsacompetizione #wingsoverflandersfields #armstrongpowerhouse #portsofcallclassic #featuredarticles #fantasygeneral2 #armoredbrigade #automobilista2 #fieldofgloryii #steeldivision2 #automobilista #il #rulethewaves2 #trainsimworld #mounteverest #theflarepath #steelbeasts #barbarroja #dirtrally2 #cricket19 #dcsworld2 #dcs #falcon4 #airland #japan45 #k2