RT @eurostarjustinp: Um, some might say this would be good news for the planet. The price of flights needs to reflect their environmental cost. Governments should do more to level the playing field and make sustainable rail travel more affordable.
RT @metrouk We hate to be the bearers of bad news but it might be time to say au revoir to budget flights as France is set to propose a minimum flight price policy to the European Union ✈️ 😢
🌍🚘 The latest post in my Unfucking the Climate series focuses on how cars have destroyed society. The ”War on Cars” is both entirely imaginary, yet should be an utterly sensible mainstream policy.
People need to be free to move around their world without constant fear of being killed, so let’s invest in low-carbon alternatives that do that.
#climate #climateaction #WarOnCars #BikeLife #SafeStreets #TrainsNotPlanes
#climate #ClimateAction #waroncars #bikelife #safestreets #trainsnotplanes
It took a few hours but I’ve got Surly “Bike of Theseus” Crosscheck all dressed and ready for One Last Mission™️.
May holiday was all about calming the fuck down.
This holiday is all about big wonderful adventures in Italy with a mate who’s over from the States. There’s gonna be beers and bears and infinite wild camping.
Heading vaguely east for a ferry, then it’s another #FlightFree adventure. #TrainsNotPlanes
“Sleeping around” has a special meaning on #NightTrains ;) Here’s my cabin for tonight, from Zagreb to Zürich: Window can open! There’s a wash basin! & Clean bed! Electricity to charge my phone! Even some food & drinks! I’m happy & expecting sweet dreams:) 🛌 🚆 😴 #trains #TrainPride #NoFlying #TrainsNotPlanes #selfie #NLNOG
#NightTrains #trains #TrainPride #noflying #trainsnotplanes #selfie #NLNOG
My new train journey is starting! ToNight train Amsterdam- Zürich, then giving two courses there, 21.6. to Bern for #SWINOG , on Thursday ZZ night train (Zürich - Zagreb). #trainsnotplanes
The automobile industry kills 100 Americans every day.
Plane spotting. Waiting for the train to Sydney. (Wait I have 5g here, I haven't had it this entire trip?!) #CoffsHarbour #Trains #Planes #TrainsNotPlanes #PlanesSometimesButMakeItElectric #OkBye
#CoffsHarbour #trains #planes #trainsnotplanes #planessometimesbutmakeitelectric #okbye
We hit the #EarthDay protest in #Montreal. I hope yours went well wherever you are! #TrainsNotPlanes
#earthday #montreal #trainsnotplanes
You see these credit/debit cards that offer airline ‘points’ as a reward, they should offer ‘points’ for discounts on train fares - I’d be tempted then.
#trainsnotplanes #trainsoverplanes
Schiphol hopes to start telling private jets they’re not welcome. “private jets are particularly being targeted because of the “disproportionate amount of noise nuisance and carbon dioxide emissions” they produce per passenger.”
Research published in 2021 found that, per passenger, private jets are between five and 14 times more polluting than a commercial flight and 50 times more polluting than trains.
#FlightFree #TrainsNotPlanes https://www.bigissue.com/news/environment/is-it-time-to-ban-private-jets/
RT @EurostarJustinp
"I'm not catching an overnight train to (insert city) because airline (insert low-cost airline) will fly me there in (insert time) for (insert ludicrously cheap fare)."
How much is your cheap flight costing the planet?
#TrainsNotPlanes ⬇️ https://twitter.com/AmyHemmeter/status/1632049001666170880
“In fact, the environmental benefit of train instead of plane could be significantly greater. as well as CO2, airliners emit other substances into the upper atmosphere which cause additional damage not included in the Eurostar comparison.” #TrainsNotPlanes #FlightFree https://seat61.com/CO2flights.htm
London to Bordeaux direct train in the works for 2026 but I'll believe when I see it... https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2023/01/will-there-be-a-new-uk-wine-train-to-bordeaux-by-2026/ #trains #trainsnotplanes
Why is it still cheaper to fly from London to Edinburgh than get the train? (Only slightly rhetorical)
#climatechange #trainsnotplanes