Reminded earlier of a favorite performer with both angelic voice and playfulness... and this live performance is exactly the one I remembered. (The long, funny intro was sacrificed, but hey...)
A fun song ("Train Song") followed by another favorite, 'simply; one of the most beautiful love songs I know. Sara Hickman.
#SaraHickman #music #1991 #folk #TrainSong #Simply
#sarahickman #music #folk #trainsong #simply
Billy Breathes will forever remind me of going to New York. Whether by train or plane, I have to listen a couple times through. Train Song always gets a couple extra plays. Riding the rails down the river as the sun is setting carries strong nostalgia for me. I’m somewhere over the middle of the country listening to Prince Caspian. Ready for another go around. #phish #billybreathes #trainsong
#phish #billybreathes #trainsong