I know what you mean.
I want to hear your toot spoken out loud with a group of properly positioned F words.
Just like in the airport car rental scene from #TrainsPlanesAndAutoMobiles .
RT @QSArchives: When did we stop dressing like this to catch the train?
This #Trainsplanesandautomobiles Thursday, you’re looking at an A10 B Class Loco digitised from a glass plate negative in the @QueenslandRail Heritage Collection.
Kraftwerk's original 1977 video for Trans Europe Express
#JukeBoxFridayNight #TrainsPlanesAndAutomobiles
YouTube alt: Black and white video of Kraftwerk band members riding in a train to the song Trans Europe Express. There are alternating shots of the train traveling on the tracks and the tracks from the point of view of the train.
#jukeboxfridaynight #trainsplanesandautomobiles
Tangerine Dream - Love On A Real Train
#riskybusiness #transporttunes #trainsplanesandautomobiles #JukeboxFridayNight
#TrainsPlanesAndAutomobiles #JukeboxFridayNight #TransportTunes
Band: Pink Floyd
Song: Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Album: A Saucerful of Secrets
Released: 1968
Video: https://youtu.be/8RbXIMZmVv8
“Little by little the night turns around
Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
Under the eaves the swallow is resting…”
Tenuous maybe, but the controls must refer to some form of transportation
#trainsplanesandautomobiles #jukeboxfridaynight #transporttunes
Excellent tune for #FridayNightJukebox
Hey ho, let's go!
#FridayNightJukebox #transporttunes #trainsplanesandautomobiles
My favorite #ThanksgivingMovie is #TrainsPlanesAndAutomobiles (image is movie poster). What’s your favorite Thanksgiving themed movie?
#thanksgivingmovie #trainsplanesandautomobiles