Jeg ser 'The White Lotus', serie 2, og blant mye annet oppfatter jeg den som argument for at reiseliv alene har mye for seg.
Her: yours truly på Valentinas balkong, Taormina. Inngangsportalen kan skimtes i bakgrunnen.
Snart til Istanbul. Kommer til å skrive om det her: Fribygda/Mastodon.
#traintoistanbul #togferie #togtilistanbul
Changing my avatar (profile pic) to this 'Stay woke!' picture.
Or: 'to be conscious, by choice', as Frank Herbert once expressed it.
#train #traintoistanbul #togtilistanbul
Since the main characteristics of Twitter at the moment are that the system gradually is breaking down: here is an advance note that my train journey to Istanbul, which starts in about a months time, I will write about only here: Mastodon/Fribygda.
#togferie #traintoistanbul #togtilistanbul