Europeans would be shocked that your bags are weighed on #ViaRail before you board. And that there's bag limits (2), with size and weight limits. Two things I've never experienced train traveling across europe. #traintraveleurope #traintravel
#viarail #traintraveleurope #TrainTravel
Europeans would be shocked that your bags are weighed on #ViaRail before you board. And that there's bag limits (2), with size and weight limits. Two things I've never experienced train traveling across europe. #traintraveleurope #traintravel
#viarail #traintraveleurope #TrainTravel
Voilà, 1620km à vol d'oiseau, faits en 55 heures 30 (et deux nuits d'hôtel), au lieu de 30 heures (et une nuit de voyage) si cela avait fonctionné comme annoncé.
C'était une expérience... enrichissante
#europebytrain #TrainTravel #traintraveleurope
Crossed the Rhine at sunset. Now on to a tram for a change, I've made it.
I've had such a good day. When everything goes well, slow travel is the best 😊 #TrainTravelEurope
We were joined by someone from India, who had no idea what scouting was. So we explained the movement and I think there is a fair chance he's going to get his daughter to check it out now 🥲
4th train of the day due in 10 minutes! But there are so many notices on the timetable that I doubt it will be anything like on time... wish me luck, internet!
#TrainTravelEurope #scouts
I am sharing a compartment with 4 Belgian scouts, they are super friendly and playing cards. They are going to Sweden and are saying they expect to be on trains for the next 20 hours. #TrainTravelEurope
Every time I book this connection in Bruxelles-Midi I find it totally implausible, with only 20 minutes between trains (and the walk takes 10). But it has been reliable so far!
8 hours into my train journey in still somehow on time. From Aachen it'll be delayed local trains bursting at the seams. But that's a problem for future me! #TrainTravelEurope
Oh I love London today. It's sunny, it's bustling, it's got summer energy. 3 hours between trains means 2 hours to kill, and that translates directly into street food and delicious coffee.
Now on Eurostar. #TrainTravelEurope
Scotland was showing me its best side this morning. I'm going to miss it!
Now calling at: Berwick-upon-Toot (so sorry 😁)
Thinking about Eurostar and ICE trains later, this LNER (Azuma) is an incredibly janky experience in comparison. It's only going 180km/h but moving left and right so much - both because of curves and because it's shimmying in the tracks - that my water bottle is sliding around the tray.
I don't hate it! But I also don't love it as much as I want to.
Okay, it's #Edinburgh - #Düsseldorf by #traintravel, part 2: Interrail. Until Bruxelles-Midi, the journey should be the same as with normal tickets.
It is way too early in the morning and nobody should have to do anything at this hour, but I made it to Waverley on time. Might have run just a little bit. Cardio!
Next stop: Kings X
Now sleep
#traintraveleurope #traintravel #dusseldorf #edinburgh