"Le #trait et la #lettre. Apologie subjective du #lettrage manuel" de #LaurentGerbier. Même si le point de départ est la #bandedessinée, des mots peu courants mis sur le lettrage.
#bd #typographie #écriture #cornelius #crumb
#trait #lettre #lettrage #laurentgerbier #bandedessinee #bd #typographie #ecriture #cornelius #crumb
Now published ahead of print: "#Trait-Specific Indirect Effects Underlie #Variation in the Response of #Spiders to #Cannibalistic #SocialPartners" by Henriques et al.
#trait #variation #spiders #cannibalistic #socialpartners
Supercharge your Laravel models with the 🚀 Advanced OptimisticLocking #Trait! 🤝
💼 Prevent conflicts in #multiuser environments by tracking changes with a "locking column" (default: updated_at).
⏲️ If updates collide, it throws an exception, guiding users to refresh data.
🛠️ Customize updates with ease and ensure a seamless experience! 💡
#Laravel #OptimisticLocking #PHP #WebDevelopment #Coding #OpenSource
#trait #multiuser #laravel #optimisticlocking #php #webdevelopment #coding #opensource
The Secret in the Spots on #MonarchButterflies’ #Wings. The wings of monarchs that survive a 2,000-mile-long #migration tend to be spottier, suggesting that feature may aid the insects’ ability to fly. These insects flap more than 2,000 miles from their summer homes in #Canada down to mountains of central #Mexico. Only about 30% survive the trip. Researchers have found shared #trait in the #butterflies that make it: The edges of their wings tend to be slightly #spottier. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/21/science/monarch-butterflies-spots-wings.html
#monarchbutterflies #wings #migration #canada #mexico #trait #butterflies #spottier
My toxic #trait is that I truly #believe I could win a #fight against #anybody if I was mad enough. you might have the #strength and #size but I have #pure, #unfiltered #rage.
#gif #goku #dbs #dragonballsuper #anime
#trait #believe #fight #anybody #strength #size #pure #unfiltered #RAGE #GIF #goku #DBS #dragonballsuper #anime
Esta sesión consiste en entender los principios de operación de las
macros, entender la sintaxis y principales símbolos. Se estudia la
creación de estructura de árbol sintáctico del código, la tokenización y la generación de código con macros en *rust*.
y también la creación de *derive* sobre un *trait*, en que se
implementa la versión por defecto para aplicar a una estructura
#macros #rust #derive #trait #proc
RT @cardosopmb
One week to apply and join us. We are looking for a #postdoc to work on #insect #biodiversity and #ecology using #MachineLearning to extract #trait information.
Beetle sculpture by Bordalo II
#postdoc #insect #biodiversity #ecology #machinelearning #trait
Interested in genome size, #polyploidy research of plants?
Listen & see the insightful presentation of the brilliant #sDiv synthesis postdoc @Sreetama_Bhadra 👇
RT @Sreetama_Bhadra
I was delighted to present my work yesterday in the #polyploidy #webinar organized by @BarkerLab .. it’s up in #youtube for anyone who wants to know the relation between #genomesize #trait #diversification specially in @Palms
@idiv @IPS_PalmSociety
#Polyploidy #sdiv #Webinar #youtube #genomesize #trait #diversification
RT @jeaggu
Are you interested at science at the interface of #trait #ecology #naturerecovery & #earthobservation in
UK and the #tropics then do apply to join @ymalhi, myself an the @NatureRecovery team in this exciting #postdoc at @ecioxford @oxfordgeography & @NatureRecovery Link below!
#trait #ecology #naturerecovery #earthobservation #tropics #postdoc
RT @alba_anadon
Open #postdoc #joboffer in our Group #EcoPhys at @CREAF_ecologia within the project #TRACES on #trait coordination and evolutionary history using global databases
#postdoc #joboffer #ecophys #traces #trait
A study analyzes the genomic features of over 400 Sphingomonas isolates, one of the most abundant #bacterial genera on the host Arabidopsis thaliana, and identified some isolates with plant-protective phenotypes, a rare #trait. In PNAS: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2211881119
#paper alert: "Intraspecific #trait #variability mediates the effect of #nitrogen addition and #warming on aboveground #productivity". Lead by Li Zhang, published in #Oikos with M. Huang, X. Liu, Y. Xiao, @FrancoiseCardou Y. Rong & S. Zhou http://doi.org/10.1111/oik.09559 (1/3)
#paper #trait #variability #nitrogen #warming #productivity #oikos
Eine schöne Referenz auf Iteratoren in Trait Objects, findet sich hier: https://depth-first.com/articles/2020/06/22/returning-rust-iterators/
Die komplexeren Lösungen brauchte ich nicht (und führten in meiner Implementation auch nicht zu schönen Lösungen)
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2022-05-trait-based-approach-global-ecology-description.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/physorg_com/status/1526275779247722498#m
New #trait-based approach to global change ecology moves from description to prediction @ualberta @RSocPublishing https://doi.org/gkfdfw https://phys.org/news/2022-05-trait-based-approach-global-ecology-description.html
A travers l'exemple ridiculement simple de FizzBuzz, cet article nous emmène dans un chouette voyage à travers les traits Rust. C'est vraiment intéressant (et j'ai appris un bon paquet de trucs)
<br>— <a href="https://www.joshmcguigan.com/blog/fizzbuzz-tour-of-traits-rust/" title="Direct link">Direct link</a> - https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/?uxkKMA #programming #interface #trait #rust
#programming #interface #trait #rust
Curieusement, j'avais lu cet article avant l'autre sur la résolution des appels de trait, mais je n'avais pas compris.
<br>— <a href="https://joshleeb.com/posts/rust-traits-and-trait-objects/" title="Direct link">Direct link</a> - https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/?v_hgbg #programming #generics #trait #rust
#programming #generics #trait #rust
La nuance entre le trait compilé statiquement et celui exécuté dynamiquement est assez subtile. Et je me suis déjà bien fait mordre par cette subtilité de Rust.
<br>— <a href="http://blog.metrink.com/blog/2018/03/30/rust-trait-objects-vs-generics/" title="Direct link">Direct link</a> - https://nicolas-delsaux.hd.free.fr/Shaarli/?Wd_2ew #programming #generics #trait #rust
#programming #generics #trait #rust