In 1825 engineer George Overton published a book of ideas and reflections on his working life.
More than half of the the volume dealt with his contribution to South Wales tramroads including construction of the Penydarren.
Review: 'Description of the Faults or Dykes of the Mineral Basin of South Wales’ by George Overton
#BookReview #Railways #RailwayHistory #IndustrialHeritage #Tramroads
#tramroads #industrialheritage #railwayhistory #railways #bookreview
Now this really is a book of two halves!
The first part on the history of Merthyr’s tramroad system was written by Gordon Rattenbury way back in 1987.
Dr Michael Lewis wrote the original locomotives article of Part 2 over a decade earlier in 1975!
They complement each other perfectly in this volume.
Our review: ‘Merthyr Tydfil Tramroads & their Locomotives’ by Gordon Rattenbury and M.J.T. Lewis.
#Merthyr #Locomotives #BookReview #Tramroads #RailwayHistory
#railwayhistory #tramroads #bookreview #locomotives #Merthyr