♬ Just announced: Sat Sep 9, 9pm: SECRET PSYCHEDELICA: VIRGO
#dnalounge #secretpsychedelica #piscesmusic #entertainmentportal #pluralliance #psytrance #house #freeform #trancecore #hardcore #trance #plur #sanfrancisco
#dnalounge #secretpsychedelica #piscesmusic #entertainmentportal #pluralliance #psytrance #house #freeform #trancecore #hardcore #trance #plur #sanfrancisco
I played a 1-hour trancecore set on Friday which was a lot of fun. It's like 180bpm psy/epic trance. Energetic and thoughtful. You don't hear this genre often.
#dj #djs #djsofmastodon #edm #rave #trance #hardcore #trancecore
#dj #djs #djsofmastodon #edm #rave #trance #hardcore #trancecore
Aktueller Ohrwurm: https://youtu.be/Q-cdTqp5GZs
#TheBrowning #Fearless
#Deathcore #Metalcore #Trancecore #IndustrialMetal
#industrialmetal #trancecore #metalcore #deathcore #fearless #thebrowning
This is the collection of my works available on Tunebubble 👇
Thank you for visiting and listening to my music, if you enjoy any of it, kindly download.
#RWTr_nce #Tunebubble #Trance #TranceFamily #Music #MusicProducer #Musician #Download #Listen #Enjoy #EDM #Industrial #Melody #DanceToTrance #Trancetrack #TrancePeople #TranceCore #TranceMusic
#rwtr_nce #tunebubble #trance #trancefamily #music #musicproducer #musician #download #listen #enjoy #edm #industrial #melody #dancetotrance #trancetrack #trancepeople #trancecore #trancemusic
Heute Überstunden...
Erstmal erträglicher machen mit #nowplaying:
"Das Album" von We Butter The Bread With Butter #WBTBWB
So gute Musik, unglaublich gut produziert und einfach toll wie man hört und spürt, dass die zwei Jungs einfach Bock haben Musik zu machen.
#NowPlaying #wbtbwb #metal #metalheads #metalcore #trancecore
Oh mein Lieblingstrack vom neuen #ElectricCallboy Album hat ein Video bekommen, geil! Feier ich! Für mich mit Abstand der beste Track, vereint einfach meine beiden Lieblingsmusikrichtungen in einem Track. Geil geil geil!
#trancecore #metalcore #metal #ElectricCallboy
Hey Trolli @schmittlauch dein Toot ist nun schon ein bisschen älter, aber da ich (neu hier) mir gerade ein paar Hashtags zusammen kon-follow-guriere, bin ich drauf gestossen. #FatalFe aus Russland sind dir vermutlich ein Begriff, wenn du guten #Trancecore magst? Falls nicht, wären die mein absoluter Tipp in dem Genre.
“Now that’s what I call putting the TRANCE back in Trancecore!”
#COCOOMA vs #GOLLUM & #YANNY - #GermanHardTrance #DJmix
#German #HardTrance #HardTranceMusic #Raver #Ravers #TranceCore #Trance #TranceMusic #Music #Electronic #ElectronicMusic #ElectronicDanceMusic #EDM #DanceMusic #Dance #Ravenation #Club #RavenationClub #DJ #DJset #Tracklist
#ClubMix #DasLicht #PushUpRecords #GaryD #Remix #SoundStructure #DJsPresent #DJDigress #Electropolis #TechnoCitizens #Mix #2004
#cocooma #gollum #yanny #germanhardtrance #djmix #german #hardtrance #hardtrancemusic #raver #Ravers #trancecore #trance #trancemusic #music #electronic #electronicmusic #electronicdancemusic #edm #dancemusic #dance #Ravenation #club #RavenationClub #dj #DJSet #tracklist #clubmix #daslicht #pushuprecords #garyd #remix #soundstructure #djspresent #djdigress #electropolis #technocitizens #mix