@einarr @stianhunstad Supplementerte windburneren med en Soto Windmaster som jeg har vært fornøyd med (den tar veldig lite plass). Husker dog ikke om jeg har prøvd den med vintergass i kuldegrader.
Men den burde jo virke hjemme i nødstilfelle.
Men du anbefaler ikke spritbrenner? (Er så lenge siden jeg sist brukte det, at jeg husker ikke hvordan det var.)
#friluftsliv #stormkjokken #trangia #soto
@stianhunstad @Vebby For nødbruk hjemme vil fort en enkel brenmer som settes rett oppå en gassboks være et greit alternativ så slipper du slangen. Til hjemmebruk har du alle kjelene du trenger uansett.
Støtter helhjertet trangia på tur. Stor bonus at man kan kjøpe reservedeler i mange tiår. Spritbrenner er nesten ubrukelig, særlig om vinteren. Gass er fint, men jeg bruker Optimus Nova bensinbrenner i stormkjøkkenet.
#friluftsliv #stormkjokken #trangia #Optimus
I just find spirit burners very aesthetic in their existence and somehow weirdly nice to use. Anyway cleaned up this little knock off trangia today after it was taken camping a bit.
I've got a full trangia 27 but most often I use this burner, a little tripod stand, and a folding wind shield and just make tea and a little pot of intense porridge to keep me going.
I guess if I'm packing minimal I should go even more minimal for an experiment at some point.
I always have a door or window open when using my gas cooker. I mean, it is a naked flame. What else do people expect?
I also have a #Trangia for emergencies, or walking/camping. Same thing there. Don't use it in a none ventilated space.
Extractor fans above cooker and and air vent on an exterior wall allowing air to circulate in would mitigate too. Also reduces humidity and pong and grease left on surfaces.
I'm delighted to say #Trangia Multi-Disc 0210 for Storm Cooker No.25 arrived today.
I wouldn't say I'm excited as a dog chasing a Frisbee but it's a good enough second.
@MartinFarrent It depends on your use case.
I count the #Trangia set as portable as it's the burner plus pots. It cooks real food as well as dryfood. It's quiet and bullet proof. Smells less than a hexa burner!
You have to calculate total mass carried. With alcohol heavier at start. Lighter at the end.
Gas and multifuel adapters are available. Can store inside the Trangia 25.
Tip for #Trangia owners (or any other alcohol burning camping stove).
Mark off the fuel bottle with a permanent marker every 100ml (approx 2cm for an Ekofuel ethanol bottle) so you know how many full measures you have left.
@Christownsendoutdoors Oh, lots of #Trangia stove love here!
Before online dictionaries, I was once completely stumped on a trip around England as to what its fuel was called in English, and all my explanations couldn’t help until finally I met a guy at a DYI who’d been camping and knew what I was talking about.
If you ever run out in Germany, it‘s „Spiritus“.
For those interested the Trangia stove works fine with meths at - 7c. #wildcamping #winter #campstoves #trangia
#trangia #campstoves #winter #wildcamping
#trangiacooking #trangia at it's finest! Still have mine from 1986 👍👍
Delivery of 2L of Ekofuel for my #Trangia arrived.
100ml of fuel + 10% water. 24 minutes to boil 1L of water. 54 minute burn time. Clean burn. No soot!
Time to boil was a bit slow. I can test it again with no water and see how it does for boil time and sooting .
Wow it's cold outside. I'm not doing that again in a hurry! The delivery man didn't look too happy either!
Oh no #ChefCorso. I love the recipes and ideas you've given for my adventures but this time you messed up with the #trangia. That is not how you use it. Burner sits on the hole, pan is used by lifting those arms up and holes on the bottom go against the wind (plus the lid on the burner is used for simmering).
#ChefCorso #trangia #wildernessBackpacking #food
#FollowerPower #Outdoor #Backpacking #Trangia!
Ich suche Rezepte / Rezeptbücher zum kochen auf/mit dem schwedischen Sturmkocher #Trangia.
Fleich(los), alles möglich.
Kann da jemand was empfehlen?
#trangia #backpacking #outdoor #followerpower