#AcademicChatter #TransAcademia im trying to streamline a gender question for a screening survey to make them as inclusive and non-burdensome as possible (accepting demographic questions are always bad).
ive landed on a compound question where participants say whether they’re trans/cis and then what they identify as
im not 100% convinced that’s the best, so wanted to see if others had more success/had suggestions or suggested readings 😊
#academicchatter #transacademia
I feel like we need to convince Florence Ashley to come over here. Anyone who can get away with having footnotes like this routinely published in peer-reviewed journals *needs* to be part of the Fediverse.
For example, from https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-law-medicine-and-ethics/article/transcending-the-gender-binary-under-international-law-advancing-healthrelated-human-rights-for-trans-populations/0E42156B773D0665091F19CCA0F06AF5
#TransAcademia #FlorenceAshley
#transacademia #florenceashley #banconversiontherapy