It’s trans adults, too: GOP candidates now back trans medical restrictions for all ages
#MiamiHerald #GOPTransMedicalRestrictions #TransAdults #TransMedical #MedicalRestrictions #TransRights #Politics #News
#miamiherald #goptransmedicalrestrictions #transadults #transmedical #medicalrestrictions #transrights #politics #news
The Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology at Weill-Cornell Medicine has opened a clinic in which gender-diverse adults may receive gender-affirming hormones ( We are looking forward to partnering with mental health colleagues in this endeavor. If you are available to collaborate in the care of gender-diverse adults, please reach out to Dr. Ann Danoff @
#transadults #adults #genderaffirming #hormoneclinic #newyorkcity