Sitting here, drinking _coffee_, and listening to this, and thinking just how bloody lucky I am to have left a place not far nor _too_ dissimilar from Harlan, and to be about to do something like that again on a grander scale...
#NowPlaying #Harlan #bluegrass #TransatlanticSessions #smalltown #leaving #music
#nowplaying #harlan #bluegrass #transatlanticsessions #smalltown #leaving #music
Music Planet time!
"Kathryn Tickell with highlights from Transatlantic Sessions from the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow."
Tune in and travel the world without leaving your sofa.
#transatlanticsessions #musicplanet #BBCRadio3
Friday’s “Thank Goodness It’s Folk” was packed with new releases. Katy Rose Bennett’s new work inspired by the #kublerross stages of grief is amazing. It’s called Dissolutions. New Martyn Joseph and The Young’uns tracks are achingly beautiful. And we play several tracks from the brand new #transatlanticsessions live recording. It’s all here for you, please drop by.
#kublerross #transatlanticsessions
Last one for tonight, so slowing back down to ease into Sunday evening with what I feel is a nice lullaby-ish song. I love this man's voice so much, and the lovely lilting pipes.
Everyone enjoy a relaxing remainder of your evening!
From #TransatlanticSessions:
Darrell Scott - Open Door
All musicians for this session can be found here:
#roots #americana #NowPlaying #Music #transatlanticsessions
Another of my many fav collaborations from the #TransatlanticSessions, features the late, great #JohnMartyn, with fellow Brit Danny Thompson on bass, Americans #KathyMattea, #Guitar and backing vocals, #JerryDouglass on #Dobro/#Resonator.
This is Martyn's original song, at least to my knowledge, but it will sound familiar to many who may never have heard of him before.
#NowPlaying #Music #dobro #jerrydouglass #guitar #kathymattea #johnmartyn #transatlanticsessions
Oooh my MythTV just caught two eps of #TransatlanticSessions – I assume this is season one; Russ Barrenberg and Jerry Douglas look so *young*…