RT @swordsjew
Happy #TransDayOfVisbility to my comrades here in the UK and across the water, womanhood is an inclusive and capacious category and I want everyone to see themselves as they wish to be! I say "expelliarmus" to hatemongers!
On this #TransDayOfVisbility, shout out to fat Black trans people everywhere.
We’re rarely represented & the multiplicative oppressions we face make our commitment to fighting for Justice for all that much more amazing.
I love you, my siblings. ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾#blackTRANSlivesmatter
#transdayofvisbility #blacktranslivesmatter
To all my trans friends, thank you for showing me what being brave looks like. Thank you for being good examples of living life as your true self. If y'all can be brave enough to be who truly are, I can be brave enough to be who I am too. #transdayofvisbility
Gleich um 18 Uhr findet am #Elisenbrunnen eine Kundgebung zum #transdayofvisbility statt. 🏳️⚧️
#selfid #Selbstbestimmngsgesetz #Trans #aachen #transdayofvisbility #Elisenbrunnen
It’s #transdayofvisbility and this year I wanted to join with others and be visible as a trans woman to the world
Once I transitioned I felt it was best to get on with my life and didn’t really want to talk about it. It’s taken a lot of effort to feel comfortable being open and thanks to all the people I’ve talked with over the past year while I've found the ability to talk about this again.
Today's the perfect day for trans people to wear camo (or a hi-vis) because it would be hilarious to wear on #transdayofvisbility
Heute zum #TransDayOfVisbility möchte ich auf die #Sonderfolge zur Transgender Awareness Week hinweisen.
In dieser erkläre ich noch einmal, warum für den #Podcast die Formulierung „nichtmännliche Personen“ genutzt wird und stelle euch kurz 2 #trans Frauen in der #Politik vor.
Link zur Folge:
#transdayofvisbility #sonderfolge #podcast #trans #politik #rss #28Komma2Prozent #piraten #grune
As a trans and nonbinary person I really enjoy my 24h of Visibility.
So far #transdayofvisbility made it possible for me to finally drop by the library where my friend works and pick up the copy of STRAIGHT by Chuck Tingle that she bought for me.
I normally don't read horror but after listening to an episode of The Gayly Prophet with Jessie and Lark about this novella I decided to give it a go.
I also happened to be wearing one or my 3 t-shirts designed by said Lark.
Hey if anyone knows somebody at the LGTB Foundation out of Manchester can we let them know most of the downloading assets on this page aren't available?
I sent them an email but to info@ so who knows when somebody will check that
#transdayofvisbility #transgendercommunity
Any organization that considers itself of the left, radical or progressive should prioritize helping with defense of the trans community, and especially the actions coming up this weekend.
The best response to hate is always mass resistance.
#ProtectTransKids #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#transdayofvisbility #transdayofvengeance
#transdayofvengeance #transdayofvisbility #transrightsarehumanrights #protecttranskids
So I've been invited to talk at a trans day of visibility event next week! There's going to be a march, then a rally that I'll be talking at :BlobhajTransPrideHeart:
#trans #tdov #transdayofvisbility
RT @Lenniesaurus@twitter.com
Scots word of the day: OOTBIDAN
Meaning: Transgender
Example: Lang may yer lum reek, tae aw ma ootbidan freens, them that A ken, an them that A dinnae.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Lenniesaurus/status/1509597601288626176
This is my art account so if you still don't have it followed what are you doing??
RT @dittobootyart@twitter.com
It's #TransDayOfVisbility babeeeyyy~
I'm a bi trans man who makes cute art and sometimes nsfw art.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dittobootyart/status/1509562632315052045
RT @OOCRyuGaGotoku@twitter.com
#TransDayOfVisbility clip :)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OOCRyuGaGotoku/status/1509607911047237633
Having trans kids in Utah, we were the safe house for their friends to come hang out and be their authentic selves.
I wish I could be that for all the trans folk out there during this time of legislative assault. You deserve to feel true to yourselves.
🏳️⚧️ #TransDayOfVisbility🏳️⚧️
Player is trans, and a bit of a coward due to finances and is not doing anything about it and has a horrible therapist that she needs to replace. Just because someone doesn’t look it, doesn’t mean they aren’t Trans and struggling daily with Gender Dysphoria. #TransDayOfVisibility
RT @jadedfox@twitter.com
#TransDayOfVisbility Even those of us not on hormones, terrified to take that step again without a safety net.
#transdayofvisibility #transdayofvisbility