#Thread ☝️
1/ Today, the European Court of Human Rights, @ECHR_CEDH, ruled that trans parents' recognised gender and name do not have to be used in their children's birth documents.
#transrights #transfamilies #transparents
#Transparents #transfamilies #transrights #thread
@floralashes I really recommend Dorothy Roberts’ book on this topic. Title: Torn Apart #childwelfare #transfamilies #Texas
#childwelfare #transfamilies #texas
People may wonder why I have the screen name I have. One of our dearest friends of 25 yes transitioned 10 years into our friendship. She, her wife & their kids worked hard to figure their new life out. We were there for them every step of the way. And out of it trans lesbian mom was born, later trans lesbian grandma. I was cis lesbian mom, but she joked she had most queer points. We lost her around 5 years ago, so I keep this screen name in her memory. #TransFamilies #QueerFamilies #InMemory
#inmemory #queerfamilies #transfamilies