I was torn between Ho-Hos and various Lil Deb snacks and some of the regional favorites
I mean, if you’ve actually had a #heartAttack & or eat lots of #transFat #butter #steak #junkFood are #obese #genetics #etc
#statins might be actually advisable
Problem is people who really don’t need this but have #highCholesterol & otherwise no health issues are being prescribed by their Dr like it’s 🍬🍭
Just 1 year at a #liberalArts HS did this to me😆 #questionAuthority
She kept pushing & pushing making him re-test after 6 months etc. If not me as impetus he’d probs complied
#heartattack #transfat #butter #steak #junkfood #obese #genetics #etc #statins #highcholesterol #liberalarts #questionauthority
RT @who
To eliminate #transfat, WHO recommends countries to
❌ limit industrially produced trans fat to 2 grams/100 grams of total fat in all foods
❌ ban the production/use of partially hydrogenated oils as an ingredient in all foods.
WHO new status report 👉http://bit.ly/3D71kug
RT @WHO@twitter.com
To eliminate #transfat, WHO recommends countries to
❌ limit industrially produced trans fat to 2 grams/100 grams of total fat in all foods
❌ ban the production/use of partially hydrogenated oils as an ingredient in all foods.
WHO new status report 👉http://bit.ly/3D71kug
L'objectif d'éliminer les acides gras trans industriels, utilisés dans de nombreux aliments de grande consommation, est loin d'être atteint et 5 milliards de consommateurs ne sont pas protégés contre ces produits dangereux pour la santé #OMS #transfat https://www.rts.ch/info/sciences-tech/medecine/13724730-loms-salarme-du-manque-de-protection-face-aux-acides-gras-trans-industriels.html
want to learn more but why some hydrogenation of fat leads to trans fats and how can one select for cis fat in a partial hydrogenation of a fat to convert poly unsaturated fat to mono unsaturated fat. sorry for sounding so uninformed.
#chemistry #transfat #fat #hydrogenation