wait i never made my #intro did i. oops!
hi, i'm crow! my pronouns are fey/feyr, it/its, 🦷/🦷s, and &/&s. i'm probably ~19 and my birthday is 10/29 (body is 17). you can call me whatever the word for "crow" is in the language you speak (ie cuervo, ijo waso pimeja, koraki)!
my tribe is the charrúa people, though i'm also distantly descended from the inca (& the saintess of Latine Indians/Natives, which is pretty cool). right now, i live in the DC Metro Area on turtle island :)
my main shtick is that i'm #borderline, #schizotypal, #plural, #autistic, and a #cripple. i'm also a #transfemasc #transsexual butch #dyke and i like to chew on xenogenders!
i have #polyfragmented BPD, hence the display name crow&, but prefer to be referred to as singular. i sometimes call the collection of crows 'the murder,' because it's a good pun.
i'm also sleepy. oh wait i also have a brain/spine injury so i forget a lot of shit and have migraines constantly, so, sorry, and if you dont CW eyestrain & screenreader hostile things properly i'll bite you
ask me about my special interests i will talk about them a normal amount :3
#intro #borderline #schizotypal #plural #autistic #cripple #transfemasc #transsexual #dyke #polyfragmented