I think it should be OBVIOUS why transfeminine people are "more visible" than transmasculine people. Cis people focus on us and ignore transmascs because we're EASIER to sensationalize and sexualize. In their eyes, transfems present a "mystery" that transmascs just don't. 1/*


#socialmedia #twitter #transmisogyny #transphobia #visibility #scrutiny #trans #transgender #transsexual #transfemininity #transmasculinity #patriarchy #cisheteronormativity

Last updated 2 years ago

I have such a weakness for . It's a shot of pure straight into my veins.

The easiest thing a guy can do to make me melt into a puddle is just showing me that he sees me as a girl (or at least that he's willing to pretend to). Specifically the kind of girl who's worth that sort of effort and consideration.

#chivalry #gendereuphoria #gender #genderdysphoria #dysphoria #genderperformance #genderoles #performinggender #feminine #femininity #transfeminine #transfemininity

Last updated 2 years ago

Anyway, gonna throw my hat out here and stop making friends —
For everyone’s sanity I urge people to reconsider the insistence of putting and in a privilege/oppression matrix against each other and see conflicts as lateral displaced aggression. For some reason, probably because it actually discourages conflict, people are loathe to look at conflicts as lateral displaced aggression.

#transmasculinity #transfemininity

Last updated 2 years ago