Today was the 2nd time a client asked to hug me as they left my office. The 1st time I wasn't prepared & they did it before I answered. W/ this client I said I'd prefer a handshake. We've started deconstructing their erotic #transference. I understand the way their #attachment wounds are showing up. They've had so little love in their life. Thankfully it's turned productive instead of interfering w/their capacity to do the work. I'm studying #somatic #IFS & apparently 1/
@socialwork @psychology
#transference #attachment #somatic #ifs
New Yorker: Are You My Mother? #NewYorker #Culture/CulturalComment #Relationships #Transference #Psychology #Classrooms #Education #Academia
#newyorker #Culture #relationships #transference #psychology #classrooms #education #academia
For me, #InterpseronalNeurobiology offers a firm basis for understanding #transference in terms of #Schore's right-hemisphere-to-right-hemisphere communication. While the mirror neuron system is able to recreate facsimiles of others' emotional state and intention, it passes back through our own emotional centres and gains a meaning based on our #attachment experiences. Which arises as our own internal state and is signalled back via #nonverbal cues, largely.
#interpseronalneurobiology #transference #schore #attachment #nonverbal