Ok kids - This week I will start and possibly start releasing my new run of !πŸ’»β€‹

I am excited to get this new batch out into the world.
If you are unfamiliar with my show format for this let me explain. I write a short story in one sitting. Do some quick spelling and glaring grammar edits and that is it. The story remains in a first draft state. I then read the story to you with no rehearsal and no jump edits when I mess up. I open with my thoughts and close with my thoughts on the story and the progress of the .

Not only am I cute, but I have a honey voice and am a kick ass writer. Not all of the stories have been winners but I still read them to you. The highs and the lows, they all matter and are fun.
Come check out what I did last year and know this season will be amazing! (Also tell your friends)
I am going to post the titles below and you tell me what you think it is about or the genre. I have done and will be doing multiple genres and writing styles.
Every story features characters and culture.

- Four Trust In Change
- Hang Blanks
- Thrill Chips
- Shallow Reason
- Budget Syrup
- Transient Repose


#recording #stories #project #lgbtqia #shortstory #writer #video #contentcreation #transcreator #original #sciencefiction #noir #fantasy #adventure #romance #fiction #thriller #horror #mystery #weirdfiction #queerfiction #transfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
616 followers · 1203 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
615 followers · 1202 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
606 followers · 1198 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
604 followers · 1194 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
604 followers · 1184 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
604 followers · 1170 posts · Server writeout.ink

Jules looked up, looked straight at Rory, his black eyes almost pleading. β€œI don’t want to have to watch you to go down this fucked-up road, period. Do you fucking understand?”

Rory held his breath.

β€œAnd it’s not because I’m β€˜such a good guy.’” Jules made exaggerated air quotes. β€œI know you think that’s all I care about, doing the β€˜right thing,’ and I guess that ought to be a fucking compliment, but it just makes me feel like you think I don’t have my own stupid feelings like a normal stupid human being. I want to protect you because I fucking want to. I know I said that one time I’d never ask you for anything again, but I guess that was a lie, ’cause I asked you to help me with Max, and now I’m asking for this. And I think I’m entitled to it. ’Cause God knows, Rory Navarrete, you will never stop owing me. And if that’s not a good enough reason for you, then I guess you’re rightβ€”you’re not the person I thought you were.”

Rory was silent a moment, letting this soak in. β€œYou really don’t think I’m a lost cause, huh?”

Jules’s only answer was a shrug.

β€œJust so you know,” said Rory, after a long pause, β€œthis is a pretty weird not-friends thing we have going on here.”

Jules side-eyed him. β€œHuman relationships aren’t always easy to define.”

Read Chapter 42 here: readformandvoid.com/the-nullwe

Start back at Chapter 1: readformandvoid.com/the-nullwe

@dontdoitneil @emrys@sunny.garden

@lgbtqbookstodon @bookstodon

#books #queerfantasy #lgbtbooks #queerfiction #bookstodon #writersofmastodon #lgbtqbooks #lgbtqwriters #transmasc #transgender #trans #lgbtqia #lgbtq #lgbt #amwritingfantasy #AmWritingSFF #AmWriting #urbanfantasy #queersff #speculativefiction #sffbookclub #sff #grimdark #darkfantasy #fantasy #nonbinarywriters #nonbinary #enby #transfiction #transbooks #transwriters #thosewhocreateanddestroy

Last updated 2 years ago

em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
602 followers · 1161 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
594 followers · 1127 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
592 followers · 1121 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
590 followers · 1116 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
587 followers · 1090 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
584 followers · 1050 posts · Server writeout.ink

(Read the full Chapter 37 here: readformandvoid.com/the-nullwe )

β€œFuck this. I don’t get why she’s your problem.”

β€œBecause I fucking know what love is, you selfish prick.”

β€œWhat you know is how to spend every ounce of your energy trying to β€˜rescue’ other people so you never have to deal with your own shit.”

β€œHow’s this for dealing with my own shit: Get. Out.” Jules was red in the face, his eyes blazing coals. β€œYou’ve done it again, you shitheadβ€”made me hate myself. Thanks for reminding me what a stupid asshole I was to think we could ever, ever, ever be friends again.”

Rory turned, made a beeline for the door.

β€œRory…wait.” Suddenly Jules stood in front of the door, blocking Rory’s exit.

β€œMove,” said Rory.

β€œMake me.”

β€œWhat are we, in fucking eighth year again? Get out of my way.”

Jules stood with his back against the door, arms spread, palms against the wall on either side of the doorframe. A drooling glove of panchrest clung to his damaged hand, leaving scarlet smudges on the wall behind it. β€œNot gonna. Can’t make me.”

β€œYour fucking hand, you moron.”

β€œYou go sit the fuck back down and I will too.”

β€œFuck,” exploded Rory, and did as he was told.

Jules joined him at the table, resubmerged his hand in the panchrest bowl.

They sat in sullen silence for several minutes.

β€œYou are one stubborn motherfucker,” said Rory finally.

(Start back at Chapter 1 of readformandvoid.com/the-nullwe )

@dontdoitneil @emrys@sunny.garden

@lgbtqbookstodon @bookstodon

#webnovel #books #bl #sapphic #polyamory #queerfantasy #lgbtbooks #queerfiction #bookstodon #writersofmastodon #lgbtqbooks #lgbtqwriters #transmasc #transgender #trans #lgbtqia #lgbtq #lgbt #amwritingfantasy #AmWritingSFF #AmWriting #urbanfantasy #queersff #speculativefiction #sffbookclub #sff #grimdark #darkfantasy #fantasy #nonbinarywriters #nonbinary #enby #transfiction #transbooks #transwriters #thosewhocreateanddestroy

Last updated 2 years ago

em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
582 followers · 1003 posts · Server writeout.ink

(Read the full Chapter 37 here: readformandvoid.com/the-nullwe )

Jules crawled into bed close beside her, braving the perpetual breath of ice that rose from her chest, the familiar, queasy magnetism of the void.

She stirred, made a sound. He enfolded her, sighed at the sensation of her kisses on his neck. β€œHey,” he whispered. β€œHow you feeling?”

He could hear the grin in her voice as she fondled his backside. β€œReal good now.”

He smiled in spite of himself, rested his head against hers. β€œCan I ask you something random?”

β€œAnytime, podnah.”

She was in a good mood. Which just kind of made the whole thing that much worse. β€œWas your childhood…normal?”

Max gave a faint snort. β€œDude. What even is normal?”

β€œDunno.” Jules stroked her back, kissed her hair. β€œJust wondering if you ever felt weird as a kid. Or, like…if your family was weird.”

β€œI mean, duh. You know me. I was a total fruit bat. All the kids at school hated me.”

Jules laughed, cuddled her closerβ€”swallowed the lump in his throat. β€œReally?”

β€œChyeah, dude. I was a freak and a half. I always made up these nonsense song-and-dance numbers. I had this sailor dress in third grade that I wore to school every day for like a month. One time I stole my mom’s eyebrow pencil and started drawing freckles on my face every day ’cause I was obsessed with Pippi Longstocking. I was such a dork. Nobody wanted to be seen with me. I was a total pariah.”

β€œI…can’t even picture you in a dress. I mean, you’d look great in one, but you know.”

β€œYeah. I’m a lot less flamboyant these days. Don’t like people looking at me as much anymore. Go figure.”

Jules kissed her. β€œWe would’ve gotten along.”

β€œYou think so? You, preppy rich kid, and me, incorrigible clown?”

β€œWhat makes you think I was preppy?”

β€œDude. I’ve seen your old clothes.”

β€œPoint. No, I know I would have liked you. I mean, Rory was the last person you would’ve thought I’d be friends with, but…yeah.”

β€œRory’s kind of like me on steroids.”

β€œYikes that comparison.”


Jules held her closer, sighed. He wanted more than anything to just keep rambling on wherever the conversation took them. Have one of their giddy all-nighters, talk about all the stupid things they would have done together as kids in some awesome otherworld where their spheres had overlapped sooner and for wildly different reasons.

Unfortunately, he’d come here tonight with a purpose.

(Start back at Chapter 1 of readformandvoid.com/the-nullwe )

@dontdoitneil @emrys@sunny.garden

@lgbtqbookstodon @bookstodon

#webnovel #books #bl #sapphic #polyamory #queerfantasy #lgbtbooks #queerfiction #bookstodon #writersofmastodon #lgbtqbooks #lgbtqwriters #transmasc #transgender #trans #lgbtqia #lgbtq #lgbt #amwritingfantasy #AmWritingSFF #AmWriting #urbanfantasy #queersff #speculativefiction #sffbookclub #sff #grimdark #darkfantasy #fantasy #nonbinarywriters #nonbinary #enby #transfiction #transbooks #transwriters #thosewhocreateanddestroy

Last updated 2 years ago

em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
583 followers · 1000 posts · Server writeout.ink
AC Adams · @ACAdams
153 followers · 390 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Just stumbled on this today, it looks like it could be interesting especially for two bucks


#transwriting #transfiction

Last updated 2 years ago

em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
580 followers · 964 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
571 followers · 871 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
557 followers · 857 posts · Server writeout.ink
em writing queer magic ⛲️ · @emrys
536 followers · 820 posts · Server writeout.ink