Stop holding employees hostage with these “transformations@” okay? 👀😒
#EmployeeExperience #TheKOExperience #Transformations #Leadership #ThinkDifferently #CorporateTok #Careertok #ExperienceCoaching #PeopleAnalytics #FYP #KOTruths
#kotruths #fyp #peopleanalytics #experiencecoaching #careertok #corporatetok #ThinkDifferently #leadership #transformations #thekoexperience #employeeexperience
Mon #stage #paysan est terminé. (HOURRA !!!)
Mais donc fini la pataugeoire : c'est désormais le grand bain.
Je commence les premières #transformations (#cuisine des #conserves) la semaine prochaine.
Le jour même de la fin de mon stage, on a commencé l'#EntreAide paysanne avec un collègue #maraîcher de la commune. 😃
#Binage guidé chez lui et #gyrobroyage chez moi.
#stage #paysan #transformations #cuisine #conserves #entreaide #maraicher #binage #gyrobroyage
Hier zeigt @agileChanges den Grund für das Scheitern vieler so genannter #agile #transformations
In Kürze:
aus einem
wird eine
Une conversation toute récente avec des gens de la SG au Maroc (Casablanca). Rien de spécial ni de nouveau sous le soleil concernant les #transformations #agiles. Mes notes pour la conversation.
For thinking about change I get a lot of help from Frank Geels' Multi-Level Perspective, distinguishing between micro, meso and macro level change and the interactions between them. Originally from #STS #InnovationStudies, it is now common in work on #sustainability #transitions and #transformations
@PeterBronez @AlexanderKingsbury @belcher @jlou
#sts #innovationstudies #sustainability #transitions #transformations
トライ&エラーが続くであろう動画編集-61 @tkt058より
#動画 #動画編集者さんと繋がりたい #動画編集初心者 #動画編集者と繋がりたい #Video #8K #8Kvideo #8kasımdünyadelilergünü #MermaidMelody #MermaidMelodyPichiPichiPitch #Youtube #youtubepremium #YouTubers #Transformation #Transformations #変身シーン #変身 #マーメイドメロディ #マーメイドメロディぴちぴちピッチ #AI #Topaz #TopazAI #ArtificialIntelligence #TopazVideoAI
#TopazVideoAI #artificialintelligence #TopazAI #topaz #ai #マーメイドメロディぴちぴちピッチ #マーメイドメロディ #変身 #変身シーン #transformations #transformation #youtubers #youtubepremium #youtube #mermaidmelodypichipichipitch #mermaidmelody #8kasımdünyadelilergünü #8kvideo #8k #video #動画編集者と繋がりたい #動画編集初心者 #動画編集者さんと繋がりたい #動画
トライ&エラーが続くであろう動画編集-61 @tkt058より
#動画 #動画編集者さんと繋がりたい #動画編集初心者 #動画編集者と繋がりたい #Video #8K #8Kvideo #8kasımdünyadelilergünü #MermaidMelody #MermaidMelodyPichiPichiPitch #Youtube #youtubepremium #YouTubers #Transformation #Transformations #変身シーン #変身 #マーメイドメロディ #マーメイドメロディぴちぴちピッチ #AI #Topaz #TopazAI #ArtificialIntelligence #TopazVideoAI
#TopazVideoAI #artificialintelligence #TopazAI #topaz #ai #マーメイドメロディぴちぴちピッチ #マーメイドメロディ #変身 #変身シーン #transformations #transformation #youtubers #youtubepremium #youtube #mermaidmelodypichipichipitch #mermaidmelody #8kasımdünyadelilergünü #8kvideo #8k #video #動画編集者と繋がりたい #動画編集初心者 #動画編集者さんと繋がりたい #動画
トライ&エラーが続くであろう動画編集-61 @tkt058より
#動画 #動画編集者さんと繋がりたい #動画編集初心者 #動画編集者と繋がりたい #Video #8K #8Kvideo #8kasımdünyadelilergünü #MermaidMelody #MermaidMelodyPichiPichiPitch #Youtube #youtubepremium #YouTubers #Transformation #Transformations #変身シーン #変身 #マーメイドメロディ #マーメイドメロディぴちぴちピッチ #AI #Topaz #TopazAI #ArtificialIntelligence #TopazVideoAI
#TopazVideoAI #artificialintelligence #TopazAI #topaz #ai #マーメイドメロディぴちぴちピッチ #マーメイドメロディ #変身 #変身シーン #transformations #transformation #youtubers #youtubepremium #youtube #mermaidmelodypichipichipitch #mermaidmelody #8kasimdunyadelilergunu #8kvideo #8k #video #動画編集者と繋がりたい #動画編集初心者 #動画編集者さんと繋がりたい #動画
トライ&エラーが続くであろう動画編集-61 @tkt058より
#動画 #動画編集者さんと繋がりたい #動画編集初心者 #動画編集者と繋がりたい #Video #8K #8Kvideo #8kasımdünyadelilergünü #MermaidMelody #MermaidMelodyPichiPichiPitch #Youtube #youtubepremium #YouTubers #Transformation #Transformations #変身シーン #変身 #マーメイドメロディ #マーメイドメロディぴちぴちピッチ #AI #Topaz #TopazAI #ArtificialIntelligence #TopazVideoAI
#TopazVideoAI #artificialintelligence #TopazAI #topaz #ai #マーメイドメロディぴちぴちピッチ #マーメイドメロディ #変身 #変身シーン #transformations #transformation #youtubers #youtubepremium #youtube #mermaidmelodypichipichipitch #mermaidmelody #8kasimdunyadelilergunu #8kvideo #8k #video #動画編集者と繋がりたい #動画編集初心者 #動画編集者さんと繋がりたい #動画
10 years of the IRI THESys @HumboldtUni - celebrating 10yrs of inter- and transdisciplinarity research on #transformations of #HumanEnvironmentSystems! Way to go @IRI_THESys! 🥳
#transformations #humanenvironmentsystems
Identities are hard to let go. I've been through it more than once. I try to hold onto them more loosely than I used to.
I used to know a guy who when talking about his past who would say, "That was in one of my other lives." There's something to that.
#Culture, #Existentialism, #Life, #Musings, #Transformations
#Identity, #JeffNoon, #Mappalujo, #mask, #persona, #RudyRucker, #SciFi #ScienceFiction
#culture #existentialism #life #musings #transformations #identity #jeffnoon #mappalujo #mask #persona #rudyrucker #scifi #sciencefiction
Remembering that embarrassing night when I talked myself into expecting the Rapture in 1984. In the long run, the End of the World preachers did me a favor - taught me to take all preachers with grain of salt.
#Culture, #Existentialism, Religion, #Stories, #Transformations, #Apocalypse, #Armageddon, #Baptist, #BobMarley, #church, #DanielKnox, #Jill Tracy, #JudeeSill, #MeatBeatManifesto, #Rapture, #TheHandsomeFamily
#culture #existentialism #stories #transformations #apocalypse #armageddon #baptist #bobmarley #church #danielknox #jill #judeesill #meatbeatmanifesto #rapture #thehandsomefamily
Just a little piece about a symbolic persona I've always had. I'm not really an alien (I don't think...)
#Gripes, #Transformations,
#Aliens, #Existence, #Humanity, #Humans, #Life
#gripes #transformations #aliens #existence #humanity #humans #life
The #IndustrialRevolution and subsequent #transformations altered the #dynamics of #labormarkets, #societalnorms, and #human interactions— much like #generativeAI applications in #biology had:
#industrialrevolution #transformations #dynamics #labormarkets #societalnorms #human #generativeAI #biology
Hello dear people.
I am Akarna, and I go around as a naga. I don't know what to say about myself other than, hey, I exist! And I love #transformations, so that's why I joined here. I especially love shifting to be many different creatures, simply to feel what it's like to be them. Hence why I'm currently a naga, because being slithery is quite fun I hope to meet some lovely people here who share my interests.
Learning Identity-Preserving Transformations on Data Manifolds
Marissa Catherine Connor, Kion Fallah, Christopher John Rozell
#transformations #manifolds #manifold
Ever wonder who the characters are in your dreams? Or who you are at the core, when you become all these different people all your life?
So do I.
#Existentialism, #Musings, #Transformations,
#Change, #Changes, #DavidBowie, #Dreams, #Identity, #Psychology, #Unconscious
#existentialism #musings #transformations #change #changes #davidbowie #dreams #identity #psychology #unconscious
It’s time to say goodbye after Kiel Conference #KielScales23 at #KielUni for everyone who does't join our excursions tomorrow. We're going home with a load full of new knowledge, fresh Input, and maybe some research questions, to be solved in the future. See you next time!
#archaeology #history #palaeoecology #pastsocieties #transformations
#transformations #pastsocieties #palaeoecology #history #archaeology #kieluni #kielscales23
RT @EESC_LiaisonG: 🔴Live from @EESC_EU
#CivSocDays 2023 are about to start!
Join now the conversation on #threats & #transformations of #EUCivilSociety in Europe and beyond with our high-level speakers and the @EESC_President!
🔗Slido #CivSocDays2023Opening
#CivSocDays #threats #transformations #EUcivilsociety #CivSocDays2023Opening
I guess it is timely to think about #transformations models and learning in the broadest sense of the term and language and not only because of #GPT but because, as #Benveniste reminds us “la langue me paraît comme un paysage mouvant ( elle est le lieu des #transformations)…”
#transformations #gpt #benveniste