A world without police or prisons doesn’t mean a world where harm isn’t confronted or addressed. Learn more about anarchist conceptions of justice in this episode of A is for Anarchy.
#anarchism #justice #transformativejustice #aisforanarchy
Our new police abolition essay "Kick the Cops off Your Block" is now available on substack. This essay gives an analysis of the police, many alternatives to the police, and ways to get to a world without hierarchical security forces and what they enforce
#anarchism #police #policeabolition #anarchy #socialism #communism #prison #prisonabolition #abolition #abolitionism #acab #cops #communal #utopia #praxis
#directaction #mutualaid #mediation
#restorativejustice #selfdefense #mediation #freeassociation #hierarchy #equality #statecraft #capitalism
#anarchism #police #policeabolition #anarchy #socialism #communism #prison #prisonabolition #Abolition #abolitionism #acab #cops #communal #utopia #praxis #directaction #MutualAid #mediation #transformativejustice #restorativejustice #selfdefense #freeassociation #hierarchy #equality #statecraft #capitalism
The #DeathPenalty is an abomination.
#ACAB #AbolishThePolice #FreeThemAll #TransformativeJustice
#deathpenalty #acab #abolishthepolice #freethemall #transformativejustice
Yesterday, I attended another of Mia Mingus' ace SOIL work sessions on transformative justice. This one was on accountability. A lot of the things I've noticed personally and interpersonally are there, and also neat insights to guide my ongoing work.
If you don't already know of Mia's work and are keen, sign up to her newsletter to find out about the next webinar: https://www.soiltjp.org/about
#transformativejustice #accountability #transformation #change
#transformativejustice #accountability #transformation #Change
I've written a short piece called "The Unsolved Bit of Murder Mysteries". It's about transformative justice and the crime genre, through a discussion of Glass Onion. It's part of my ongoing work on social change and narrative design.
I welcome your thoughts! :)
#narrativedesign #transformativejustice #murdermystery #genre #crimegenre #glassonion #screenwriting #SystemicChange
#narrativedesign #transformativejustice #murdermystery #genre #crimegenre #glassonion #screenwriting #systemicchange
📢 Just 2 weeks to go! Join us for our august meet up about processing conflicts and exploring your own healing journey through them. We'll share and gather our different strategies for navigating complicated situations and will hopefully create a shared toolkit for growth and healing together. No need to sign up, just show up! Save the date: 29 August, 16:00-19:00. More info on the DukOp event. 🗓️
#restorativejustice #transformativejustice #conflictresolution
Heyooo this is my #intro post pls boost
i'm a multiply #disabled #Autistic white #trans #lesbian living in the so-called uk (specifically on the island of #Britain), I'm Bargee, I live nomadically on a #narrowboat which I mostly successfully maintain myself. Interested in #RightToRepair and #repair more generally. A factor of the way autism manifests for me is hyperlexia (verbose speech, obsessive about choosing the exact right word, obsessed with learning new words and ways of speaking), this means my writing comes out really formal; read it as a class thing if you want but I'm working class, no now or future inherited wealth, no access to managerial or corporate power, lived paycheck to paycheck my whole adult life.
Politically speaking i'm into #greenanarchy, I love the #iww, i'm here for #familyAbolition and #policeabolition, #transformativejustice and #prisonabolition. I want an end to all colonial rule, capital, states, nations, borders and capital. In terms of the island I am on I am here for the end to the English occupation of the six northern counties in Ireland, the end of English rule/occupation/power in Scotland and Wales, and the end to all English overseas domination in all forms perpetrated under the flag of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I'm pessimistic about technology and I think it and legislation can't solve social problems.
I mostly post about disability justice, #CovidIsNotOver, queerness, transness, #ukpol, anarchism and anticapitalism.
I'm a linux user, obviously, and a #foss advocate.
I'll make a separate pinned post with a cw for sexy. Flirts welcome if you're a dyke, don't think covid is over and still mask up (or disability precludes you masking), and if you're like, older than mid twenties (i'm in my thirties). CIS AND TRANS MEN NO FLIRTING, THIS IS IN CAPS BECAUSE YOUR PEOPLE SEEM INCAPABLE OF READING COMPREHENSION.
To People of Colour: I collect my cousins, particularly white trans/disabled girls and autistics. If someone is doing a racism from an instance mine is federated with and you want collection please let me know. If I see this myself I do my best to not need asking. Being gracious and grateful when receiving criticism and asks for accountability or change in my behaviour is important to me and I do not expect your tone to be a certain way for me to hear it, and I am grateful for any time you take a chance on me and do me the generosity of feedback. I understand that feedback does not have to be complete and that a gift of feedback does not obligate the giver to provide further explanation/education/contact. I understand what diunital thinking is and do my best to employ it. I can usually keep my temper and own feelings in check when collecting and recuse myself when they get in the way of constructive action. I have no qualms with conflict, upsetting people and being "mean" where necessary, however. This paragraph is here for your informed consent and does not obligate you to like or trust me or interact with me.
A note on language: I use nondisabled, disablis(t/m) to honour the disability activists I have known and organised with in Britain, over the more common americanisms abled, ablis(t/m) but I don't care what anyone else uses. I use C(oercively)AFAB and CAMAB over AFAB/AMAB and if you're TME I think you should do the same. I don't really mind what language other trans women and TMA people use but I would encourage you to look into the terf historical useage of FAB (female at birth) and the transmasc transmisogynist useage of AFABulous, as well as to think about how CAMAB both decenters our ASAB and centers the violent upholding of cisgenderism, and think about whether this might be a useful lingustic distinction for you. But I'm not the boss of you, do what feels important/right to you.
#intro #disabled #autistic #trans #lesbian #britain #Narrowboat #RightToRepair #repair #greenanarchy #IWW #familyAbolition #policeabolition #transformativejustice #prisonabolition #CovidIsNotOver #ukpol #FOSS
If you're in #Singapore, you should attend the Transformative Justice Collective's inaugural #abolitionist festival. All our working groups got involved, so this festival covers #prisons and #policing, #DeathPenalty, #DrugPolicy, #TransformativeJustice and more. If you get tickets now you can use the promo code 'ABOLISH' to get 15% off ticketed events: https://transformativejusticecollective.org/2023/05/31/tjfest-breaking-chains-towards-gentler-futures/
#transformativejustice #DrugPolicy #deathpenalty #policing #prisons #Abolitionist #singapore
New essay on Police Abolition. Includes a critique and analysis of the police and other state security forces, some good enough non-state forms of conflict resolution and the like, as well ways to get from here to a world without police.
Heavily influenced by anarchism, transformative justice, and broader police abolitionist movements.
#anarchism #acab #abolitionism #libertariancommunism #libertariansocialism #transformativejustice #mediation #selfdefense #freeassociation #allcopsarebastards
#anarchism #acab #abolitionism #LibertarianCommunism #libertariansocialism #transformativejustice #mediation #selfdefense #freeassociation #AllCopsAreBastards
Es bricht mir das Herz, wenn mal wieder "hurt people hurt people" argumentiert wird. Zu nah dran an: niemand ist je an irgendwas Schuld, wir sind alle Opfer unserer Umstände. Aber vor allem: survivor's guilt dekonstruieren ist extrem schwere Arbeit und dauert ewig. Wir haben Narrative unserer Täter verinnerlicht und viele von uns glauben daran, dass wir das, was passiert ist, verdient haben. Das wir schlechte und demnach bestrafte Menschen sind. Das ist eine Form von antraumatisiertem Determinismus, der durch hurt people hurt people fortgesetzt wird: wenn dir was passiert ist, bist du jetzt broken und wirst anderen was antun - das ist nur eine Frage der Zeit.
Ja ja, es braucht immer mal wieder schlagkräftige Aussagen usw, i get it... Gibt aber Themen, die aufwendig(st) formuliert und in aller Komplexität besprochen werden müssen. Das ist eins davon.
#ptsd #transformativejustice #survivorsspeak
I'm researching grievance processes and preventative measures for an org. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for good ones to look at as a model?
Please boost!
#TransformativeJustice #RestorativeJustice #ConflictResolution #SocialJustice
#transformativejustice #restorativejustice #conflictresolution #socialjustice
I have been going back and forth between Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories From the Transformative Justice Movement and Saving Our Own Lives: A Liberatory Practice of Harm Reduction. Some ideas are forming in my head and I really like where this is taking me.
#books #TransformativeJustice #HarmReduction #nonfiction #read
#books #transformativejustice #harmreduction #nonfiction #read
Started Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories From the Transformative Justice Movement last night. Looking forward to really digging in today. Transformative justice is something I have been looking into for awhile now. This is supposed to be a good starting point with essays across a wide range of topics within the transformative justice movement.
#TransformativeJustice #books #read #reading #bookstodon #SocialJustice
#transformativejustice #books #read #reading #bookstodon #socialjustice
"... Un guide essentiel pour toustEs les abolitionnistEs" - Dorothy Roberts, Killing the Black Body.
#Abolition #DisabiityJustice #ReproductiveJustice
#CultureofHealth #healingJustice #ericawoodland #TransformativeJustice #healingjusticelineages
#abolition #disabiityjustice #reproductivejustice #cultureofhealth #healingjustice #ericawoodland #transformativejustice #healingjusticelineages
I've had a lot of conversations about #TransformativeJustice work lately and I'm just so fucking grateful to the people of colour, especially black women and nonbinary folks, who've shared their work and processes and the models they've made publicly so others can learn from the work they've done. It's challenging work, and having all the useful language other communities have shared helps so much
Illuminating Anarchist Perspectives on #RestorativeJustice & #TransformativeJustice
#restorativejustice #transformativejustice
La décolonisation, l'#abolition, la #transformativejustice, doivent être à la base de tous nos mouvements et doit se centrer sur les luttes des communautés autochtones et noires (leurs recherches d'alternatives à la carcéralité) dont les voix étaient souvent réduites au silence.
#abolition #transformativejustice
Interview de @zinelevillage par @canal_sud sur la #transformativejustice, comme d'autres moyens collectifs pour mettre fin à la violence interpersonnelle et structurelle.
Ne pas seulement #AbolirLaPolice et les institutions punitives, mais les réinventer.
#transformativejustice #AbolirLaPolice
#Justice #Liberation #Liberalism #Anarchism #SocialEcology #Ethics #Patriarchy #Feminism #Intersectionality #Freedom #God #PowerToThePeople #ReproJustice #DisabilityJustice #TransformativeJustice #DisabilityLiberation #ACAB #West #Histodon
A shift from liberal thinking to anarchist thinking necessarily involves a shift from thinking about justice to thinking about liberation.
Justice erases the conditions of what are and what could be, and is concerned only with what the rules say must be. It moralizes our freedom away. It is administered by power, while it pretends that power does not exist. It makes us passionately wish harm upon other human beings in retribution, where healing and transformation could have been options. It makes us forget that we are oppressed, because we are equal on paper.
Liberation is material, intersectional, systemic, and dialectical. It is praxis. It is revolutionary. It cherishes the diverse fecundity of nature, and our part of that as stewards. It acknowledges and dismantles hierarchical power structures, and builds horizontal ones. It does not pretend that any theory is more real than reality itself.
Justice is rigid, where liberation is fluid. Anarchists are less concerned with what is moral, and more concerned with what is conducive to freedom.
In The Ecology of Freedom, at the end of Chapter 6 (Justice: Equal and Exact), Murray Bookchin describes how liberalism became the embodiment of justice. As the patriarchal state came to dominate Western societies, it produced various ideologies to justify its inherent hierarchy. The father figure, whether literal, king, or God, was made out to be a wise maker of justice in order to justify his authority. The individual emerges as a political construct, to divest from the conditions of society and pursue individual enrichment above all--liberal justice is about enabling that, as the ideological wing of capitalism. Under the cosmopolitanism of the Hellenistic Mediterranean, then the Heavenly City of Christianity, then the law of liberalism, people from all ranks of hierarchy were declared equal, sharing in a status of inequality of equals, and discouraged from challenging or even acknowledging the differences in power that actually existed. Liberal justice is rooted not in engaging fully and dialectically with the real world, but in calculating maximum pleasure for maximum number of people, as if we could do so separately from our own setting in which the calculation is being done, and with full understanding of everyone's possible experiences.
Liberalism remains the embodiment of justice in the West. Still, we find the language of justice in many movements that go beyond "rights", and are often doing great work even if not specifically anarchist. Disability justice, transformative justice, and reproductive justice come to mind. The concept of "justice" being invoked here is clearly different from the liberal concept. We can build on the enormous success and potential of these movements by enacting a anarchist interpretations based in liberation.
#justice #liberation #liberalism #anarchism #socialecology #ethics #patriarchy #feminism #intersectionality #freedom #god #powertothepeople #ReproJustice #DisabilityJustice #transformativejustice #disabilityliberation #acab #west #Histodon
Transformative justice, česky třeba transformativní právo, je jiná koncepce práva, která je vhodná především pro případy sexualizovaného násilí.
V rámci transformative justice to může fungovat třeba tak, že se udělají 3 skupinky. Skupinka č. 1 je stálá a slouží k tomu, aby jí kdokoliv mohl kontaktovat, pokud se něco stane. Poté svolává skupinky 2 a 3.
Skupinky č. 2 & 3 se vždy vytvoří při konkrétním případu.
Č. 2 slouží k tomu, aby podporovala přeživší - všechno, co dělá, musí být v souladu s přáními přeživšího (i kdo je v té skupince atp.), např. aby se pachatel nedostal k přeživšímu.
Skupinka č. 3 slouží ke kontaktu pachatele. Důvod je ten, že si pachatel musí nejprve uvědomit, že se nějaká špatná věc stala, což často nebývá. Musí pak probíhat nějaký proces, skrz který se pachatel změní, aby neudělal to samé znova. Zároveň může být pachateli zakázán vstup na určitá místa, pobyt v určitých organizacích atp. (podle přání oběti).
Důvod, proč nestačí pachatele pouze ostrakizovat, je ten, že tím se problém nevyřeší, ale pouze posune někam jinam - třeba za mříže.
Ten proces může být třeba četba feministické literatury, promluva s lidmi (s přeživším, pokud si to přeje), nebo něco jiného.
Smysl těchto dvou skupinek je, aby se uchovalo odloučení pachatele od přeživšího, protože potřeby přeživšího by měly být na prvním místě.
Jak proces podpory přeživšího, tak proces "nápravy" pachatele, může trvat velice dlouho. Je proto důležité se na to duševně připravit. Někdy je možné prostě přiznat, že na transformativní právo skupina lidí nemá kapacitu - a místo toho použít jiné způsoby, které alespoň zachovají safe space ve skupině.
Podle mého názoru ale ten proces je nezbytný - když se explicitně neudělá, bude ho prostě implicitně dělat někdo jiný (třeba rodina přeživšího), nebo povede k obří škodě (traumata přeživšího, další oběti pachatele).
Další četba: https://archive.org/details/whatabouttherapists