Hey GOP, your primary villains:
Transgender people
Drag queens
The uterus
The Walt Disney Company
…are not problems for the United States. Stop being so fucking detached from SERVING your constituents and let them be.
#TransgenderHealth #ReproductiveRights #HistoryMatters
Focus instead on actual problems
#lgbtq #transgenderhealth #reproductiverights #historymatters #books #disney #itstheguns #itstheracism #itsthegop #thegopisdetached
A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that gender-affirming hormones have a positive effect on #transgender teens’ #MentalHealth: The more #trans teens’ appearance aligned with their #gender identity, the more satisfied they were in life and the less depressed and anxious they felt. #GenderAffirmingCare #TransgenderHealth #LGBTQIAHealth
#transgender #mentalhealth #trans #gender #genderaffirmingcare #transgenderhealth #lgbtqiahealth
#Transgender patients in #Utah, let’s fight back!
#LGBTQ #LGBTQHealth #LGBTQHealthcare #trans #transhealth #transgenderhealth #transhealthcare #transgenderhealthcare
#transgender #utah #lgbtq #LGBTQHealth #lgbtqhealthcare #trans #TransHealth #transgenderhealth #transhealthcare #TransgenderHealthcare
Erst war es nur, transgeschlechtliche Menschen vom Sport auszuschließen. Jetzt beginnen erste US Bundsstaaten damit, transgeschlechtliche Menschen aus der Gesellschaft zu eliminieren. Die Ähnlichkeiten mit der Deutschen Geschichte von 1933-1945 und die verwendeten Narative sind nicht zu übersehen.
#Trans #transrightsarehumanrights #oklahoma #Transgender #Transgenderhealth
#trans #transrightsarehumanrights #oklahoma #Transgender #transgenderhealth
3. I have no problem talking about my gender identity and gender history to almost anyone.
4. It is a gift that my gender identity is different from my #sex assigned at birth.
5. I am like other people but I am also special because my gender identity is different from my sex assigned at birth.
#LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQI #LGBThealth #LGBThealthcare #LGBTQhealth #LGBTQhealthcare #transhealth #transhealthcare #transgenderhealth #transgenderhealthcare
#sex #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqi #lgbthealth #lgbthealthcare #LGBTQHealth #lgbtqhealthcare #TransHealth #transhealthcare #transgenderhealth #TransgenderHealthcare
Well isn’t that nice. Just learned my article will be published in print in the January 2023 issue of @sciam Scientific American. Pick up your issue soon!
#trans #doctor #lgbtq #transgender #transhealth #transgenderhealth #neuro #neurology #brain #brainhealth #AANleadership @AANmember
#trans #doctor #lgbtq #transgender #TransHealth #transgenderhealth #neuro #neurology #brain #brainhealth #aanleadership
Well isn’t that nice. Just learned my article will be published in print in the January 2023 issue of @sciam Scientific American. Pick up your issue soon!
#trans #doctor #lgbtq #transgender #transhealth #transgenderhealth #neuro #neurology #brain #brainhealth #AANleadership @AANmember
#trans #doctor #lgbtq #transgender #TransHealth #transgenderhealth #neuro #neurology #brain #brainhealth #aanleadership
Hi all, new #TransHealth poll time! Curious to know about availability of access to needles for hormone injection. Intramuscular #injections for #HRT are done using 21-25 gauge needles with most providers reporting a strong preference for 23 gauge. A lot of people are reporting difficulty filling these scripts. I've also not been able to get 23 after trying 4 separate pharmacies. For those that inject HRT, please select the gauge you use for injection (understanding that draw gauge may be different, as wider gauges allow for better draws from the vial). #TransgenderHealth #TransgenderHealthcare #Hormone #HormoneTherapy #trans
#TransHealth #injections #hrt #transgenderhealth #TransgenderHealthcare #Hormone #hormonetherapy #trans
Being transgender in Britain can be a nightmare. Here's an insightful commentary on the challenges associated with getting transgender surgery in the UK.
The Crisis In the British Healthcare System – Philosophy Tube.
#mtf #transgenderhealth #transgender