This is a really excellent article!

"Unfortunately, this potential consensus has been undermined by the far greater number of anti-trans and trans-skeptical people — whether they be activists, politicians, pundits, journalists, etc. — who seem heavily invested in pitting detrans and trans people against one another, leveraging the existence of the former as “evidence” that the latter should be denied life-saving care. These anti-trans and trans-skeptical people are interlopers who have no skin in the game, as they will not be personally impacted if gender-affirming healthcare is restricted or abolished.* Their interloper status gives them the freedom to ignore all the aforementioned nuances and the diversity of detransition trajectories, and instead push the “mistaken and regretted transition” narrative at all costs. While they have dominated this debate thus far, from here on out we should dismiss their overly simplistic framings and proposed solutions."

#trans #gender #transhealhcare #Detransition

Last updated 1 year ago

Ozmopolitan · @Ozmopolitan
114 followers · 1729 posts · Server

Trans people are being harassed, intimidated and gaslighted when it comes to healthcare in Ireland. Please attend the protest if you can make it!

#transgender #transhealhcare #nationalgenderservice #transgress

Last updated 1 year ago

Jes · @JesALady
218 followers · 539 posts · Server

Yet another trans person having to switch GP because the GP denied them simple blood tests.

Every part of their explanation for doing so was the opposite of the truth.

I hear of cases like this at least monthly.

#trans #transhealhcare

Last updated 1 year ago