C.A. McKinney :verified: · @camckinney
153 followers · 683 posts · Server dice.camp

Two days left to help push us to 100%! We're really struggling and any help would be appreciated!


The sale is filled with labors of love that continue to be updated and at times rereleased for free once purchased. So, if you find anything that catches your eye, know that I spend my free time analyzing and reanalyzing it and every other game I make.

#ttrpg #ttrpgs #ttrpgstuff #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpgdesigner #lgbtq #trans #transhelp #lgbtqfamilies

Last updated 2 years ago

RT @transbianvoice
Myka's transition fund (diagnosis, SRS, & FFS).
It's been 2 years since I started my diy transition and I'm struggling to afford to keep going.

Any help would be so very welcome. 💜


#gofundme #transhelp #gofundmecampaign #gofundmedonate #donatetomygfm

Last updated 2 years ago

maya · @girlmaya
84 followers · 8234 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

RT @yunathesheep@twitter.com

im a non-binary autstic queer who currently cant pay rent because of having less saving and my money for a month reduced and could be kicked out of where i am living so anything would be a big help to me paypal.me/mayamaymard?locale.x

🐦🔗: twitter.com/yunathesheep/statu

#transcrowdfund #transhelp #mutualaid #crowdfunding

Last updated 3 years ago