Radon Journal · @radonjournal
140 followers · 89 posts · Server kolektiva.social

We're taking time this week clarifying each of our four journal topics and what we look for in submissions.


Oddly, transhumanism is our most misunderstood theme.

Most typically have never seen the word, confuse it with transgender, or think it simply means cyborgs.

Any technology that enhances and improves a human being's physical or mental capabilities is considered within the transhuman sphere.

It can be as simple as eye glasses to help you see, all the way to replacing your blood with nanites or uploading your mind.

Most stories feature heavy body modification along with a wide slew of tech replacing all manner of organs, limbs, and muscles. There is no limit to what can be changed.

Transhumanists usually hold an optimistic view of technology, and want to explore future societies that have this advanced tech, as well as characters who use the tech in fascinating ways or struggle to gain acceptance in society.

Stories we love to see feature transhumanists fighting against the conservative members of society to proliferate this better future for all.

Transhumanists are also hopeful and pushing for the day that we are augmented so heavily we can no longer be considered human (posthuman). We don't consider it scary or bad to not be human anymore, and in fact push for it.

We want to explore what it means to be considered human at all, or even more than human.

We know well that every increase in technology allows two things simultaneously: an increase in the capacity for humans to do good, and an easier time for us to destroy ourselves.

This is why we pair the idea with the freedom and equality inherent in .

Anarchism moves society toward social freedom while transhumanism directs us toward physical freedom.

So melding the two makes perfect sense.

A positive transhuman future cannot happen without freedom from the profit-motive, corporations, and governments. Otherwise you get a cyberpunk story. (Which we're fine with you submitting to us!).

But transhumanism asks: What good is all the freedom in the world if you're unable to experience it due to genetic sickness or dying by the the time you're ninety?

There is a vast cosmos for our species to explore and it's time we freely ventured out, unshackled by greed or bodily limitations.

Our founders label themselves transhumanist-anarchists, and the ideology is the centerpiece of the journal's existence. So don't simply send us stories of plain cyborgs, but powerful explorations of the human condition told via a new technological reality.

#transhumanist #anarchism #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Nagaram · @Nagaram
14 followers · 123 posts · Server hachyderm.io

I'm in a mood and desire to get back into

Any recommendations for modern

Books? I'd really like a modern take on egoism that isn't saturated in fascist/libertarian thought because I personally think it makes more sense in a leftist context than individualist mythos

#philosophy #Anarchist #leftist #technology #transhumanist #marxist #egoism #nature #AntiFascist #history #historyofideas #epicurean #nuclear #ageofinformation #internet #christianity #atheist #computersciene

Last updated 1 year ago

awenden · @awenden_metal
96 followers · 52 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Dear s of Mastodon.....
is anyone on here NOT one?


Last updated 1 year ago

Siv Jones · @siv
16 followers · 47 posts · Server mastodon.praxis.red

I'm Siv. I live, work, create, and activate in , , .

I believe effective toward global society must center and traumas in the human . Cultural violence is a durable response to .

I help run the services and facilities of the and house, such as this instance.

#lansing #michigan #usa #praxis #mutualaid #economic #justice #healing #psyche #scarcity #praxisdotred #tech #collective #hacker #mastodon #genderabolitionist #transhumanist #posthumanist #libertarian #communist #leftist #vegan #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Shonin · @shonin
390 followers · 2421 posts · Server mastodon.world

I have read a thread on elsewhere on 3Buddhism, promoting the use of and and the like to reduce suffering, and am inclined to agree with concerns, not that I think having more tools to help out in this vale of sorrows is bad, just that there will be little opportunity to so use them in the presence of the ongoing full-court press of greed, anger and ignorance. 1/4

#transhumanist #ai #geneediting

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Flomotion
212 followers · 1553 posts · Server brighteon.social

WHOโ€™s new global health chief has close ties to globalist cabal, transhumanist agenda


#transhumanist #WHO

Last updated 2 years ago

@PeggyJoan as I understand it the "litter box" was so schoolchildren could use the toilet while under something called a "shooter drill"

As for ....I mean who wouldn't want to be something other than Human right now?
As a I'm all for morphological freedom, even if that's a long, long way away.

#furries #transhumanist

Last updated 2 years ago

Wyre · @wyre
9 followers · 27 posts · Server social.dms100.net

internet veteran and hacker
seeking and all welcome hoping to make some meaningful connections and discuss the future of technology and humanity. I love and and . recovering and aspiring . do you like ? so do I let's talk. I love

#introduction #cyberpunk #solarpunk #transhumanist #artists #mastoart #startrek #scifi #rpgs #engineer #artist #foss #linux #bsd #technology

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
12 followers · 42 posts · Server pagan.plus

"The most reported experience is the 'alien grey' abduction. During these abductions, degenerate looking humans with large black eyes steal human genetic material, insert implants and even attempt to create a 'hybrid species' using their genetics and humanity's.

While many perceive these contacts to be , due to the advanced technology and unusual appearance, it is also possible that these beings are degenerated human beings that are seeking to heal their deformities by harvesting from a time before their fall, or from an era of the human form that is not degraded. The use of genetic splicing, or , is thus an attempt to insert themselves into our evolutionary stream. Why? Because they have failed at their own and are not interested in taking for that failure.

Strangely, the ' ' have the same culture as the ' ' who also seek to use to monitor and track humans. Certain elite groups also obsess over , and the creation of , or empty vessels. The activities and culture of he grey 'aliens' is the culture of the elite."

-Gigi Young (source: facebook.com/gigiyoungdotcom/v)

#alien #abduction #extraterrestrial #dna #Hybridization #spiritual #responsibility #greys #technocratic #transhumanist #elite #implants #eugenics #geneticengineering #golems

Last updated 2 years ago

Frank D (he/him) · @fttdennis
19 followers · 86 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@introvertnudist many things do seem to require some kind of observer to settle into reality, so I think on a basic level (certainly if you're going to be living in a human brain) perception had enormous power. And consensus perception does big things (not always or maybe even often great for the human condition).

I will say, I like to annoy my friends by pointing out that and aren't functionally different. lol

#futurist #transhumanist #simulationtheory #intelligentdesign

Last updated 2 years ago

Frank D (he/him) · @fttdennis
19 followers · 86 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@introvertnudist What you can see in the picture is my "inner universe," subjective reality. Here's a pic of the other side, the "outer universe," objective reality. It's the standard model of particle physics, all the and force (and, ok, I added gravity even though we're not really there yet). The circuit motif that surrounds them is because I'm a .

#fermions #bosons #transhumanist

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Nimmo · @Peternimmo
550 followers · 629 posts · Server mastodon.scot


Last updated 2 years ago

Mz. April Daniels · @MzAprilDaniels
8 followers · 9 posts · Server chaosfem.tw

Before I got the guts to , I was a die-hard . I figured if I could just survive long enough for the Major Kusanagi treatment, I'd be okay.

It was a bad plan.

#transition #transhumanist

Last updated 2 years ago

Esgal · @Esgal
0 followers · 8 posts · Server universeodon.com

in the US is being led into stagnation by incompetent and self serving leadership.

#transhumanism #ustp #transhumanist #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

Nonie · @nonie3234
625 followers · 457 posts · Server mapstodon.space

"The Division investigates cases relating to fringe , from to the prospect of a destructive to a possible collision of two . The Fringe Division's work often intersects with advanced developed by Walter's former partner, Dr. William Bell (), and run by Nina Sharp (). The team is also watched silently by a group of bald, pale white men who are called Observers.

#fringe #Science #transhumanist #experiments #technological #singularity #parallel #universes #biotechnology #leonardnimoy #blairbrown

Last updated 2 years ago

Dee Neely · @dee_neely
8 followers · 56 posts · Server toad.social

As an ex , I still check on their status and I am always amazed that they still get it wrong. They're so caught up in the tech that they miss the human factors. It simply never fails. Here we have an admin from the Scientific page on Facebook thinking the problem with the San Francisco robots is people being afraid of

#transhumanist #transhumanism #skynet #transhumanismfails #campaigntostopkillerrobots #killerrobot

Last updated 2 years ago

@LDBeers · @LDBeers
11 followers · 100 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

A little Spider Jerusalem to get one ready for the upcoming week.

# cyberpunk

#SpiderJerusalem #transmetropolitan #transhumanist

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Torr · @miketorr
17 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.art

Hello Mastodon! Here's my with hashtags.

I'm a creative living in

a book that might be , and possibly (the progressive, egalitarian kind, not the RW nutjob kind)

Also love and am working on an album of based on ideas from

Recovering photographer

I have

#sff #music #aphantasia #timelapse #mathematics #electronicmusic #synthesizers #transhumanist #hopepunk #SciFi #writing #scotland #aberdeenshire #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago