Gizmodo: Salute the Black Flag: Sci-Hub Pirate Captain Receives EFF Award for Sticking It to the Man #electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #jonjohnssen #openaccess #cindycohn #elsevier #elbakyan #scihub
#electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #jonjohnssen #openaccess #cindycohn #elsevier #elbakyan #scihub
Gizmodo: Salute the Black Flag: Sci-Hub Pirate Captain Receives EFF Award for Sticking It to the Man #electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #openaccess #elsevier #elbakyan #paywall #scihub
#electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #openaccess #elsevier #elbakyan #paywall #scihub
What all the #transhumanists I’ve met have in common is that they’re male, terrified of death & true believers in tech solutions to human problems, often without much of a grasp of those problems. Kurzweil was by far the cleverest.
Does anyone know of a transhumanist who breaks this mould?