Hey, cisgender friends!

If you have time, I'd encourage you to attend a panel I'm moderating in 2 hours in order to learn more about my work on as well as topics such as: what does genocide studies reveal about anti-trans hate? How do trans and queer activists in Colombia build peace? And how does one engage in utopia building among queer Muslim refugees and communities?

ISA Panel: Transgender Intersections with Peace and Violence

(Please Boost!)



Last updated 2 years ago

@Mrfunkedude Today I'm trying to promote and prepare for a panel tomorrow that I'm moderating on "Trans Intersections with Violence and Peace" for the International Studies Association as part of my effort in . We will be discussing , genocide studies, grassroots activism in the Global South, utopia building in refugee camps, and more!

People can register here: ow.ly/eu3450NM0re

#transingpeace #trans #peacebuilding

Last updated 2 years ago

Joscelyn Transience · @JoscelynTransient
424 followers · 2700 posts · Server chaosfem.tw
Joscelyn Transience · @JoscelynTransient
400 followers · 2556 posts · Server chaosfem.tw

Title: It’s not “genocide,” it’s just “sparkling eradication”

Transpiring Influences: Leah Owen’s “Parasitically Occupying Bodies: Exploring Toxifying Securitization in Anti-Trans and Genocidal Ideologies” (DOI: 10.1080/10402659.2022.2129000)

CW: genocide, transphobia, US/UK Pol, gallows humor


#transpiringconsiderations #trans #queer #transstudies #queerstudies #transingpeace

Last updated 2 years ago

Joscelyn Transience · @JoscelynTransient
364 followers · 2163 posts · Server chaosfem.tw


I am a doing my PhD dissertation on . I also am organizing a support group and working group for trans and gender diverse folks in research.

I share a new artist each week on and some non-fiction writing each Saturday as part of .

Help a girl out by tossing me a few bucks as a tip if you like what I do? 😘​



#introduction #professionaltranssexual #transingpeace #transmusicmonday #transpiringconsiderations

Last updated 2 years ago

Joscelyn Transience · @JoscelynTransient
334 followers · 1784 posts · Server chaosfem.tw

So, giving a guest lecture today on Judith Butler's "The Force of Nonviolence," emphasizing gender intersections. This includes discussion of zombie apocalypses, hot takes on Gandhi, and the argument that throwing bricks at cops is an act of nonviolence.

Is this something my folks here would be interested in seeing a recording of? It would need to be modified, but considering putting a video of it up here (or on YouTube)

#genderstudies #peacestudies #transingpeace #socialsciences #activism

Last updated 2 years ago

Joscelyn Transience · @JoscelynTransient
331 followers · 1746 posts · Server chaosfem.tw

Gosh, MLK could have been describing what it's like being a trans person right now:

"Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." -MLK Jr., Letter from a Birmingham Jail

The problem of the white moderate is the problem of the cis moderate. Never forget, anti-racism and the fight for trans rights are intertwined.

#transingpeace #peacestudies

Last updated 2 years ago

Joss The Transient · @JoscelynTransient
97 followers · 355 posts · Server chaosfem.tw

Want to see what kinds of things I do in the world of research and scholarship? What to trans your notions of peace, justice, and violence? Well, here's a webinar I did last year, with my colleague Dr. Jamie Hagen and my wife Dr. Mikee Inton-Campbell, talking about the special issue of Peace Review we were working on at the time.


#transingpeace #queeringpeace #queeringsecurity #socialscience #peacestudies #internationalrelations #transformativejustice

Last updated 2 years ago

How many times have people or perspectives been discussed in leading journals in the last three decades? If you don't include a token mention as part of an acronym, I found exactly...2. Two papers ever in ten of the leading journals in the field of Studies were found in my brief literature review last year for my piece "Trans-ing Peace Studies: An Introduction." Trans authors are even rarer. This why I am


#transgender #peacestudies #peaceandconflict #transingpeace

Last updated 2 years ago

Joss The Transient · @JoscelynTransient
50 followers · 124 posts · Server chaosfem.tw

As a in research who has worked on and published papers/reports on our community, would people be interested in me posting here summaries of the findings/etc from different things I've worked on?

Topics include: and more

#professionaltranssexual #transingpeace #transingpeacestudies #queeringsecurity #transingpublichealth

Last updated 2 years ago

Joss The Transient · @JoscelynTransient
0 followers · 2 posts · Server chaosfem.tw

Proudest moment of 2022 for me was seeing this special issue of Peace Review I co-guest-edited become a reality!

"Trans Intersections of Violence and Peace" was the first time articles centered on trans folks were published in Peace Review in over 20 years! Some articles are open access, but dm me and I can help you get access to pre-print versions of those that aren't.


#transstudies #peacestudies #transingpeace

Last updated 2 years ago