Version 0.3.1 of the {ntdr} #rstats package is on CRAN. This fixes a breaking bug caused by changes to the layout of the source data. #transit #TransitData
I’m here again more now.
Follow me for #Seattle #WashingtonState #Urbanism #Transit #Housing #TenantRights #KingCounty #Mobility #MobilityData #TripPlanning #TransitTech #TransitData #FourFloorsAndCornerStores #RezoneSeattle #ShareTheCities #UpgradeKingCounty #PRIMBY #YIOBY #HousingNow #GenX #IndieRock #Gardening #CheeseTwitterMeetups #Advocacy #Activism #Urbanist #ClimateJustice #RacialJustice #ImmigrantRights #LandBack
My rad buddies run this instance:
social ridetrans it
#seattle #WashingtonState #urbanism #transit #housing #TenantRights #KingCounty #mobility #mobilitydata #tripplanning #transittech #transitdata #FourFloorsAndCornerStores #RezoneSeattle #ShareTheCities #UpgradeKingCounty #PRIMBY #YIOBY #HousingNow #genx #IndieRock #gardening #CheeseTwitterMeetups #Advocacy #activism #Urbanist #ClimateJustice #RacialJustice #ImmigrantRights #LandBack
I have been informing my public transit agency clients about Twitter's policy and platform instability, and encouraging them to seek alternative methods rider alerts and notifications. They all already use GTFS. What have other public transit agencies moved to? #PublicTransit #Transportation #Government #TransitData
#publictransit #transportation #government #transitdata