Advocacy orgs such as PropelATL, MARTA Army, and Partnership for Southern Equity are trying very hard to have people ride transit in general, and especially for #TransitEquityDay today, and MARTA greets you with these single-tracking announcements.
#transitequityday #transitequitydayatl #atlanta #transit
Happy #TransitEquityDay #TransitEquityDayATL! The bus on MARTA route 14 ended up cancelled, so I switched to route 37, with Vehicle 1904 having new toys on board!
#transitequityday #transitequitydayatl
PropelATL has a challenge for #TransitEquityDay: Will you ride the bus this Friday/Saturday?
I'm planning to ride MARTA for #TODbreakfast to a coffee shop only served by bus (far from rail). How about you?
Sign up here:
#transitequityday #todbreakfast #transitequitydayatl #atlanta #transit