Astronomie: Potenziell von Vulkanen übersäter Exoplanet entdeckt
Der Orbit eines neu entdeckten Exoplaneten legt nahe, dass es dort viele Vulkane geben könnte. Möglich wäre gar, dass es auf LP 791-18 d flüssiges Wasser gibt.
#Astronomie #Exoplanet #Exoplaneten #Spitzer #TESS #TransitingExoplanetSurveySatellite #außerirdischesLeben
#astronomie #exoplanet #exoplaneten #spitzer #tess #transitingexoplanetsurveysatellite #außerirdischesleben
Astronomers Directly Image a Jupiter-Sized Planet Orbiting a Sunlike Star #spectro-polarimetrichigh-contrastexoplanetresearch #transitingexoplanetsurveysatellite #protoplanetarydisk #verylargetelescope #infraredastronomy #debrisdisks #solarsystem #astronomy #featured #sphere #tess
#transitingexoplanetsurveysatellite #protoplanetarydisk #solarsystem #astronomy #featured #verylargetelescope #infraredastronomy #spectro #debrisdisks #sphere #tess
Thread: 5/x
#TESS, or the #TransitingExoplanetSurveySatellite, was launched in 2018 and was designed to search for small #Planets around the #Sun’s nearest neighbors using the transit method.
Learn more about the mission:
#SpaceMastodon #Spacedon #Space #Astronomy #Astrodon #ScienceMastodon #Sciencedon #Science #Exoplanets
#tess #transitingexoplanetsurveysatellite #planets #sun #SpaceMastodon #spacedon #space #astronomy #Astrodon #sciencemastodon #sciencedon #science #exoplanets
It's Confirmed. We now Know of More Than 5,000 Exoplanets #transitingexoplanetsurveysatellite(tess) #keplerspacetelescope #exoplanets #astronomy
#transitingexoplanetsurveysatellite #keplerspacetelescope #exoplanets #astronomy