Adora · @adoramyers
46 followers · 240 posts · Server

"The apartment project is designed to provide people who were formerly or with low-cost as well as education and job training opportunities...Rent for the four-bedroom units would cost $600 a month per person while the studio and one-bedroom units would be slightly more expensive and available to people as they start to earn more money. While living at the apartment, residents would have access to free transportation to and from work, job training and education programs and financial literacy programs.."

#incarcerated #homeless #transitionalhousing

Last updated 1 year ago

Arizona Bill · @hunkabilly
545 followers · 283 posts · Server

The media guy answered. He's going to make some calls tomorrow. I'm going to bed soon I'm actually getting lightheaded with the heart rate going up and feeling quite woozy and not good.

If anyone is in a covid safe house in Wellington please contact me. Please boost, please share on other social media

You can also donate here, funds helps but also getting some kind of temporary covid safe accomodation is top priority, please help please help

#pleasehelp #help #MutualAid #covidsafe #covidsafehousing #LongCovid #stressonlongcovid #stresscovid #heartproblems #eviction #transitionalhousing #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #Aoteaora #AotearoaNZ #lightheadedness #unwell #permanentlyunwell #Disabed #disability

Last updated 1 year ago

Update. Atareira has backtracked again and are going on with the eviction despite telling the media that I won't be kicked out. I was told this today at work and income

It's in NZD so if you are in the US the exchange rate helps.
One off donations for this goal so my benefits don't get affected!

I appreciate boosts!
Also the story on what happened with transitional housing is here

Thank you for reading!

#disabled #kaingaora #socialhousing #transitionalhousing #newsstory #MutualAid #crowdfunding #moving #TeWhanganuiATara #wellingtonnz #poc #minority #disability #LongCovid #permanentillness #housing #permanenthousing

Last updated 1 year ago