Appel à candidature pour 3 dispositifs dans l'#enseignementagricole : Emergence –
Projets de développement (ex Tiers-Temps) – Chef de projet et de partenariat, pour construire dans la durée, une dynamique de projets d’innovation en réponse aux enjeux des
#transitions, portés dans le plan « Enseigner à produire autrement pour les transitions et
l’#agroécologie » file:///home/lamarche/T%C3%A9l%C3%A9chargements/2023-435_final.pdf
#agroecologie #transitions #enseignementagricole
Jean Karinthi, membre du bureau et représentant du collège « Tiers-lieux » du Grand Rebond, était invité à la conférence inaugurale du Forum Mondial 3Zero de @convergencesorg pour annoncer que l’Hermitage est le premier tiers-lieux #3Zero : zéro exclusion, zéro pauvreté et zéro carbone.
Ce tiers-lieu, situé à #Autrêche, à la frontière de l’Aisne et de l’Oise, souhaite partager son expérience aux acteurs engagés dans les #transitions territoriales.
#3Zero #autreche #transitions #engagement #tierslieu #territoires
Great kickoff to the #IST2023 conference in Utrecht @uucopernicus #sustainability #transitions @jo_chamb et al.
#transitions #sustainability #ist2023
Yesterday was the first Sunday after going public with my move. You would’ve thought it was my last day. But people need time to process, grieve, and get used to the idea that my time with them now has a definite end date.
Bittersweet but necessary.
A skilled calligrapher asked for my favorite verse so she could work on that and gift it to me. Another asked for my favorite window, but I don’t know why.
Leaving is a jumbled mess.
#Endings #Transitions #Hopeful #Anxious
#endings #transitions #hopeful #anxious
Have you considered using the property to explore living condition scenarios from "Decent living with minimum energy"? That's something I've frequently thought about since reading that paper (I just did a measurement now, to compare a 15 m² per capita benchmark.)
It could go hand-in-hand with a transfer to cooperative ownership, for people who could be interested in trying this.
Also posted on Groundtalk — the low-energy and low-data (#permacomputing) social network, that uses less energy than a single tweet:
#Housing #Coop #Degrowth #Rent #Capitalism #SharedHousing #CoHousing #Cooperatives #Design #Postgrowth #Transitions #Sustainability #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Architecture #InteriorDesign #Planning #Construction #BuenVivir #LivingWell #Pluriverse
#permacomputing #housing #coop #degrowth #rent #capitalism #sharedhousing #cohousing #cooperatives #design #PostGrowth #transitions #sustainability #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #architecture #interiordesign #planning #construction #buenvivir #livingwell #pluriverse
> Since Pines' Demon is predicted to play an important role in a wide range of phenomena, such as #transitions in particular kinds of #semimetals and #superconductivity , the work has important implications for material #physics .
> Usually in science, a "demon" is a hypothetical opponent for scientists and philosophers to argue against in a thought experiment, but Pines' Demon is quite different.
It's actually a type of #plasmon – a discrete unit of waves among rippling through a population of electrons . Plasmons have been described as the #quantum analogue of an #acoustic sound in a classical gas.
#Physicists Have Observed a 'Demon' Plasmon in Strontium Ruthenate
#quantum #acoustic #physicists #PinesDemon #transitions #semimetals #superconductivity #physics #plasmon
🌿🌏🤝 : Qu’entendons-nous par #EntrepriseRégénératrice ?
A travers leur témoignage, des acteurs du changement nous partagent leur vision de ces nouvelles formes d’organisations, en donnant des exemples concrets et des leviers d’action.
Ces #témoignages ont été recueillis à l’occasion de #NextGenSummit23, évènement dédié à l’entreprise régénératrice et coorganisé par The NextGen Enterprise, @Sindup & Le Grand Rebond
#entrepriseregeneratrice #temoignages #nextgensummit23 #transitions #businessmodel #economieregeneratrice
This is from a couple of years ago but popped up in my #atlantic #theAtlantic app this morning and it's very appropriate for me right now.
#atlantic #theatlantic #transitions #disruptions #life
Vengeance of the gods: The #lifegiving #force of the monsoon season #transitions to wreck havoc on life, crops, and #infrastructure because western educated #corruptpoliticians were entrapped by #neocolonialism’s #fossilfuels!
#degrowth #SlowEconomy
#lifegiving #force #transitions #infrastructure #corruptpoliticians #neocolonialism #fossilfuels #degrowth #sloweconomy
For thinking about change I get a lot of help from Frank Geels' Multi-Level Perspective, distinguishing between micro, meso and macro level change and the interactions between them. Originally from #STS #InnovationStudies, it is now common in work on #sustainability #transitions and #transformations
@PeterBronez @AlexanderKingsbury @belcher @jlou
#sts #innovationstudies #sustainability #transitions #transformations
#Transitions in #cognitive #evolution
"5 major transitions in the evolution of animal #NervousSystems. Each of these gave rise to a different type of #computational #architecture that changed the #evolvability of a lineage and allowed the evolution of new cognitive capacities"
#evolvability #architecture #computational #nervoussystems #proceedingsroyalsocietyb #openaccess #evolution #cognitive #transitions
Le Festival Faire Autrement revient en 2024 au Familistère de Guise !
Pour plus d'informations :
Retrouver l'émission enregistrée lors de la 1ère édition :
Un beau programme est en préparation, plus d'informations à partir de la rentrée !
#FaireAutrement #FA2 #ESS #transitions #FamilistèredeGuise #initiativescitoyennes #engagement #acteursengagées #transport #mobilité #santé #travail #éducation #culture #logement #acteurduchangement #biencommun
#faireautrement #fa2 #ess #transitions #familisteredeguise #initiativescitoyennes #engagement #acteursengagees #transport #mobilite #sante #travail #education #culture #logement #acteurduchangement #biencommun
Looking very much forward to the next two days of networking and re-imagining transitions with fellow @transitionsnest #sustainability #transitions researchers at #8thNEST at @IOER_de; big thank you to the organizers and hosts! Lea F. Stöber, @Jnthnfr et al.
#8thnest #transitions #sustainability
The new initiative requires the New York Power Authority — the largest state-owned #power organization in the country — to provide solely #renewable energy by 2030 and #transitions all state-owned and municipal properties to renewables by 2035. The bill also prioritizes #unionjobs, pay-rate protection, job development and apprenticeships, and hiring workers who have lost employment in non-renewable energy sectors.
#power #renewable #transitions #UnionJobs
Received an email that my hospital will be relaxing their masking policy tomorrow, largely leaving it up to the caregiver and visitors whether or not to mask in clinical areas. I'm not sure how I feel about it; a mixture of emotions - joy, grief, concern, hope. We'll see how it goes... #transitions
RT Jordan Dey
My "Solar System Menu" has been updated with a lot of mesmerizing transitions 👇
Everything, always 100% in #CSS and without #JavaScript 😎
@CodePen :
#SolarSystem #Transitions #animation #WebDesign #FrontEnd #CodePen #HTML #web #design #100DaysOfCode
#css #javascript #solarsystem #transitions #animation #webdesign #frontend #codepen #html #web #design #100DaysOfCode
📖 Pedro Aires Oliveira was one of the coordinators of the dossier "50 years of Scholarship on the Southern European Transitions: A Comparative Approach", published in Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez.
The dossier takes stock of 50 years of historiography of democratic transitions in Portugal, Spain and Greece. 🇵🇹🇪🇸🇬🇷
🔓 Available in #OpenAccess:
#histodons #PoliticalHistory #Europe #Transitions #Democracy #NewPaper
#openaccess #histodons #PoliticalHistory #europe #transitions #democracy #newpaper
@JillianAnable There are currently NO examples of #transport #transitions in line with what needs to happen for #ZeroCarbon. The current focus is on #electrification, this isn't enough.
A new social contract would include the right to be able to live without a #car. The focus needs to be on HOW to make big changes.
#transport #transitions #zerocarbon #electrification #car #energy #demand #creds #energydemand
I’ve noticed some of the hate against MTF has come from white male privileged. Men who have made the news themselves as womanizers, abusers, and white supremacists.
#LGBTQ #Transgender #Privilege #Transitions
#lgbtq #transgender #privilege #transitions