Pioneer tree seedlings have moved into the Leegomery community garden, probably in the wood chip mulch!
Sadly, these have to go, we love trees, but we can't rescue them all.


#leegomery #trees #transitiontogether #transitiontelford

Last updated 1 year ago

We're off to a composting workshop hosted by @gardenorganic today. At the local community centre. Right next to our wonderful community garden. In

It looks a little bare right now, we haven't quite got the hang of winter veg, but in the summertime, its lush!

#leegomery #gardenorganic #mastercomposters #transitiontogether #growyourownlife

Last updated 1 year ago

So soon, so soon.
Last minute seed sorting, email invites, including directing someone to as well as discussion for a local Big Green Festival!

Biosecurity, phytosanitary is vital to food sustainability, so moving seeds around requires good practice & safety.

#biosecurity #phytosanitary #seedswap #transitiontogether #transitiontelford

Last updated 1 year ago

Good luck to @TransitionTelford for your legendary seed swap this Saturday!

So much going on: donated/home-saved seeds for fruit, veg, herbs, flowers, spuds, tree giveaway and garden scrap store by Climate Action Hub Telford, Telford Repair Cafe fixing, Terracycle Telford and BBC Radio Shropshire broadcasting live.

What a buzz and impact we can make when we come together!

#transitiontogether #transitiontowns #ClimateAction #community #Grassroots #seeds #growyourown #repair

Last updated 1 year ago

What is Transition
In the context of a Transition Town this is best found here:
Wiki describes thus:

Why is on Mastadon
At our December 2022 regular meeting we decided to remain on for now, but to consider migration to Mastadon. Choosing a more central server seemed to be the right decision. So join the journey with us.

#transitiontelford #twitter #transitiontowns #telford #stropshire #transitiontogether

Last updated 2 years ago