Super depressed today so I girled up and took some photos. It helped, but then I got sad again as I can't stay femme for more than a few hours. It's just crushing. Current events don't help.
Here's a late #TransitionTuesday post.
Boymode was early February? Girlmode is today.
(It's disturbing how I can force myself into smile tho. What is that? Or is that just happiness leaking through?)
What helps you alleviate your #depression ?
#transgender #trans #selfportrait #depression #transitiontuesday
71 months HRT today.
One more month until six years.
It will be seven years coming out in three days.
I cannot believe it's been that long for either.
#TransitionTuesday #TransTuesday #ItsTheSameBeforePictureAsAlwaysBecausePicturesWhatPicturesBackThen
#transitiontuesday #transtuesday #itsthesamebeforepictureasalwaysbecausepictureswhatpicturesbackthen
So then there’s this guy.
Look at dat li’l baby face! Awww! How cute was that Marine boy? Ok, maybe not that cute. But seriously though, I had a pretty good thing as that guy, cute as he may or may not have been.
I'm afraid my detransition comment from earlier was made when I was feeling really down and, I just…
I mean he was a good guy and he protected me but I just can’t go back.
Ya done good Marine.
So #TransitionTuesday from June 1994 to five days ago.
#TransfemmeEnby #TransWoman
🧵 2/2
#transitiontuesday #transfemmeenby #transwoman
It's #TransitionTuesday
Two bathroom selfies, 8 years apart. (One with MUCH better lighting)
This kind of cheating. I hated that beard. I shaved it off after taking that pic. But it makes for a good contrast. (LOTS of electrolysis in my future)
(I am pre-HRT, that is a wig, I live in boymode and am only able to girlmode when alone)
#lgbtq #selfportrait #transgender #trans #transitiontuesday
As it's #TransitionTuesday, y'all can have this comparison I did a month back, before I migrated my account from
Original post here:
#TransitionTimeline #trans #transgender #TransFem #TransSelfie #TransSelfieTrain #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #HalfLife2
CW for photos: direct eye contact
#transitiontuesday #transitiontimeline #trans #transgender #transfem #transselfie #transselfietrain #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #halflife2
Happy #transitiontuesday everybody. Lots of positivity because you’re all valid and society has no place saying otherwise. Keep being awesome.
Since I see some #TransitionTuesday posts, I'll be self-indulgent and do another before/after. My transition is purely a social one, and so I have to celebrate the little things. But I'm starting to realize the little things are adding up to enough.
I heard a rumor it is #transitiontuesday
Since I did my prior life compared to today a few days ago, I decided to do something a little different.
The first picture (me in a blue dress) is from 2/17/2022. The second (selfie while walking by the snow) is from 2/21/2022. And the last is from today (2/21/2023).
Sadly no 2021 photos from February since that was around my peak gender crisis moment.
#transitiontuesday #trans #transselfietrain #transgender
I guess it's #TransitionTuesday, so here's me, fancy duds edition! The first one is in 5 years pre-hatching, and the second is 27 months HRT.
Liiiiike... still wearing formal clothes with collars, I guess? 🤣
#cars #waroncars #transitiontuesday #bicycles #climatecrisis #GHG
There are a lot of people on #twitter and #mastodon who are anti car
and I approve of being anticar; I think we need to greatly reduce the number of cars on the planet
but the trouble is, people LIKE their cars and the anticar people refuse to admit this reality
screenshot from
#Mastodon #Twitter #cycling #ghg #climatecrisis #bicycles #transitiontuesday #waroncars #cars
#TransitionTuesday #SillyQuestion
What's the equivalent to #transmasc and #transfem for #Agender and #Nonbinary folk?
I vote for #TransMeh - what are you suggestions?
#retoot #reblog #Joinin
#LGBTQIA #GenderQueer #GenderQueer #Enby #Transgender
#transitiontuesday #sillyquestion #transmasc #transfem #agender #NonBinary #transmeh #retoot #reblog #joinin #lgbtqia #genderqueer #enby #transgender
#transitiontuesday bei #RST:
Wir modernisieren und erweitern unsere Fertigung in Mönchengladbach-Wickrath.
Pünktlich zum neuen Jahr stärken wir damit den Bereich Fertigung und haben weitere Kapazitäten zur Produktion von anschlussfertigen #Kabeln, #Kabelsätzen und gesamten #Kabelbäumen inklusive Montage mit verschiedenen #Steckverbindern und Kontakten geschaffen.
Alle Infos zu unseren Kabelkonfektionen:
RST – connected by competence
#transitiontuesday #rst #kabeln #kabelsatzen #kabelbaumen #steckverbindern
Since it’s #transitiontuesday and I’m enjoying cooking right now, here’s a selfie for you all.
> The most highly venerated deity in Ancient Mesopotamia was Inanna. She was known as the Queen of Heaven and was the goddess of sex, war and justice. She also was believed to have the ability to change a person’s gender. This power of Inanna’s, is well accounted for in multiple poetry fragments and is indicative of the existence of people living outside the gender binary in ancient Mesopotamia.
#transrights #wednesday #thursday #transitiontuesday #transgender #history
#history #transgender #transitiontuesday #thursday #wednesday #transrights
I just passed the 3 year point in my transition a few days ago! So, here’s my #TransitionTuesday #transtimeline ! Photos are from 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019 (before HRT). I didn’t expect year 3 to make such a big difference.
If only I could have shown this timeline to myself back when I started… 2019 Ada would have cried for joy for a change!
#trans #transgender
#transitiontuesday #transtimeline #trans #transgender
#transitiontuesday #trans #transjoy
for what are now blindingly obvious reasons, it turns out i have remarkably few photos of just myself from before 27th April 2021, particularly not selfies.
the 2nd picture is from a few weeks ago, just after getting home from a jam night in my city. i'm still pre-everything, but more and more i see "her" in the mirror, and i felt cute 🥰 i am now so much happier to be photographed, both by others and by myself
#transitiontuesday #trans #transjoy
For this #transitiontuesday I decided to go with my favorite selfie joke "believe it or not this is not how I like being covered in white stuff" plus one more. The first is me about 2 months out of the closet. It's five years ago. No scrap of HRT. It's long enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The right two months ago . The bottom just because I looked good. HRT was life changing for me. Saved and changed it. #transjoy #trans
#transitiontuesday #transjoy #trans
Can hear my therapist telling me to be kinder to myself. Okay, therapist! I hear you! Look at this side by side. Hark, the magic of HRT! And hark, my inability to dress like a convincing manbot! 😂 #trans #transitiontimeline #selfie #transitiontuesday #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #girlslikeus #transisbeautiful
#trans #transitiontimeline #selfie #transitiontuesday #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #girlslikeus #transisbeautiful