#urbanism #LandUse
The #MadisonWI Plan Commission has 3 applications for car-oriented businesses on the agenda today. A car wash half a block from a future bus rapid transit station. A Starbucks _without_ walk-up access in the middle of a neighborhood. A bank drive-through in a regional mixed use district. In each case, staff analysis points out how this is against the recommendations in plans and ordinance, and yet they recommend approval. Our #TransitOrientedDevelopment ordinance is too weak.
#urbanism #landuse #madisonwi #transitorienteddevelopment
One Of The "Genius" Designs Of Penang Sentral
> Contrary of what it is claimed to be, Penang Sentral is NOT a transit oriented development. #penangsentral #transitorienteddevelopment #walkablecity 0:00 Int...
#walkablecity #transitorienteddevelopment #penangsentral
Apart from the aforementioned #urbanism #transit #climatechange #biking I'm also following #yimby #constrution #infrastructure #train #trains #LRT #trams #yimbyism #TransitOrientedDevelopment #cities #CitiesSkylines #citiesskylines2 #rail #railway #railways
#urbanism #transit #climatechange #biking #yimby #constrution #infrastructure #train #trains #lrt #trams #yimbyism #transitorienteddevelopment #cities #citiesskylines #citiesskylines2 #Rail #railway #railways
Might not look it at first, but this is #TransitOrientedDevelopment.
A lot of dense and tall redevelopment in the coming years.
#Årstaberg #Söderort #Liljeholmen #ByggSth #08bygg #BoBygg #TransitOrientedDevelopment #yimby #construction #bygge #UrbSth
#urbsth #bygge #construction #yimby #transitorienteddevelopment #bobygg #08bygg #byggsth #liljeholmen #soderort #arstaberg
Seeing a substantial #TransitOrientedDevelopment in the morning brightens the day.
Addressing homeless crisis, LA Metro will offer its surplus land for housing https://www.dailynews.com/2023/02/23/addressing-homeless-crisis-la-metro-will-offer-its-surplus-land-for-housing/ #tod #transitorienteddevelopment #transit #MetroLosAngeles
#tod #transitorienteddevelopment #transit #MetroLosAngeles
#Årstaberg #08bygg #Yimby #SthlmBygg #BoBygg #BoPol #Höghus #Årsta #Mälartåg #TransitOrientedDevelopment
#transitorienteddevelopment #malartag #arsta #hoghus #bopol #bobygg #sthlmbygg #yimby #08bygg #arstaberg
It's always the rule that when a governor or mayor announces improvements in transit oriented development of cities and communities, the #Republicans/#GOP opposes. They still believe in their myriads of single family homes with endless access roads, congested stroads and multi lane highways.
#transit #transitoriented #transitorienteddevelopment
#republicans #transit #transitoriented #transitorienteddevelopment
Question for @bethsawin about #multisolving: How does one write about multiple failures that lead to a big missed opportunity that could have solved multiple problems? Circular writing...
My town is redeveloping its mall. It will generate traffic, pollution, and who knows what else because it won't be #TransitOrientedDevelopment. I've identified a handful of unrelated oversights that could have combined for a thoughtful shift in thinking.
Could you share good examples of writing?
#multisolving #transitorienteddevelopment
After hours of testimony and debate, the #MadisonWI Common Council passed a #transitOrientedDevelopment ordinance. Within a 1/4 mile from high frequency transit routes, an overlay district will make it easier to develop to higher density. Included measures: (1/)
#madisonwi #transitorienteddevelopment #housing #localpolitics
Don't want to get overly excited for this, but it feels like a huge step forward to improving cities for everyone
- Cities in WA state have set precedent of (some of) what's possible
- Solid bipartisan support
- This policy focuses on incentives, not punishments
- Bold push from the federal level
#planning #nimby #yimby #transitorienteddevelopment
Today I learned #TransitOrientedDevelopment is a thing
Thanks @notjustbikes for the education
Cleveland was the 5th largest city in the US in 1920, but suburban sprawl over the next 80 years gutted it. Can #transitorienteddevelopment revitalize the city and make it a desirable place to live? #rezoning
#transitorienteddevelopment #rezoning
We're excited to unveil the first phase of our countywide #TransitOrientedDevelopment Zoning Study. 🚌 🌆 Many thanks to Steven Litt for his thorough reporting on our work.
It’s a shame the success of Metro Center at Ownings Mills hasn’t silenced the NiMBYs in Timonium. This sounds like a pretty cool project with undue opposition.
#transit #baltimore #nimby #maryland #transitorienteddevelopment
#transit #baltimore #nimby #maryland #transitorienteddevelopment
Reminder of what the plan is:
#yimby #Årstaberg #Stockholm #HighRises #Residential #TransitOrientedDevelopment #UnderConstruction
#yimby #arstaberg #stockholm #highrises #residential #transitorienteddevelopment #underconstruction
In Woodley Park. Can you envision something new by the Metro? I like to imagine a nice cafe with outdoor seating where you could meet a friend coming by Metro. #DCmetro #WoodleyPark #TransitOrientedDevelopment
#transitorienteddevelopment #woodleypark #dcmetro
@gshill safer, healthier communities by design. #urbanism #TransitOrientedDevelopment
#transitorienteddevelopment #urbanism