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#Trànsits del Museu amb L'Auditori i en col·laboració amb l'Oficina d'Afers Religiosos, avui amb Halil Bárcena i Hashnat Hashmi, que parlen d'"El fet musical i espiritual a l'entorn del sufisme paquistanès i el qawwali”:
Yesterday we've entered #Gemini Season ♊️
I guess we're shifting from grounded Earth to mental bubbly Air energy. Our thought patterns will become into the foreground and this could be a good time to focus on that.
What are our thought patterns? And how do some of those hamper us?
Can it help to reframe out thoughts and tell ourselves a different story?
#gemini #astrology #transits #selfdevelopment #selfcare #selflove
Not sure if it's the current Eclipse on 23 degrees ♈, but my intuition is bringing me all these new insights about my past drama situations/conflicts. There are patterns I see now and this give me ideas about how to deal with them in the near future, to make sure they don't affects me as much as they have done in the past month
♈ is all about new beginnings and since my Moon is there (feelings, emotions, intuition) I am fortunate receiving a lot of that energy.
Saturn's on my S.Node. Was wondering why the unpleasant emphasis on lessons.
*throws random objects*
#Pluto (who is at the bendings (square the #Nodes)) is still on top of my #Saturn / coming up on my Asc. / opposite my #Mars / trine my #Mercury/IC 😳
#Uranus coming up on my #Sun
#Neptune on my #Moon
#Chiron on my #Venus
#sendhelp #transits #astrologynerd #Astrology #Venus #chiron #moon #Neptune #sun #uranus #mercury #Mars #saturn #nodes #pluto
#Pluto standing DIRECTLY on too of my #Saturn.
T minus 58 min. & counting...
Been dancing with Darth Vader for quite awhile now. We'll see how the dip goes...
#transformation #transits #astrologynerd #Astrology #saturn #pluto
Tropical Transits - 2/15/2023 #astrology #transits #luciferianastrology
#astrology #transits #luciferianastrology
Tropical Transits - 2/14/2023 #astrology #transits #luciferianastrology #luciferian
#astrology #transits #luciferianastrology #luciferian
Tropical Transits - Asteroids, Hemorrhoids, Uranians, & then some 😄 #astrology #luciferianastrology #luciferian #transits #uranianastrology
#astrology #luciferianastrology #luciferian #transits #uranianastrology
The Moon enters Sidereal Scorpio on 2/13/2023 at approx 5am PST 🙃 Tropical & Sidereal Scorpio Moon Transit Overlap => approx 12 Hours 😊 #astrology #vedicastrology #siderealastrology #luciferianastrology #jyotish #luciferian #occult #magick #scorpio #transits
#astrology #vedicastrology #siderealastrology #luciferianastrology #jyotish #luciferian #occult #magick #scorpio #transits
Current Sidereal Transits of the Draconian Shadow Panets ( Upagragas/Kalavelas ) + Lilith/Nahemoth + the Uranians 😊#astrology #vedicastrology #luciferianastrology #luciferian #uranianastrology #jyotish #upagrahas #magick #occult #transits
#astrology #vedicastrology #luciferianastrology #luciferian #uranianastrology #jyotish #upagrahas #magick #occult #transits
Scorpio Moon Transit Reminder 😄#astrology #luciferianastrology #scorpio #transits
#astrology #luciferianastrology #scorpio #transits
This #Mercury Conjunct #Pluto today made for a really weird day. So many contradictions, different versions of the same stories, a lot of “she said she said”. Trust became a mystery, everyone and no one deserving it. I had to just stop trying to figure it all out, step back. I’m hoping the distance and distractions of the weekend will bring clarity. #Astrology #Transits
#mercury #Pluto #astrology #transits
The Upagrahas by Transits 😁 - 2/9/2023 #astrology #vedicastrology #luciferianastrology #luciferian #transits #lefthandpath #gnosis
#astrology #vedicastrology #luciferianastrology #luciferian #transits #lefthandpath #gnosis
Sidereal/Vedic Transits for 2/8/2023 😊 #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #transits #buddhism #anicca
#astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #transits #buddhism #anicca
Tropical Transits ( Western Astrology ) - 2/1/2023 #astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #transits #magick #talismans #astrology
#astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #transits #magick #talismans #astrology
Sidereal Transits - 2/2/2023 - Moon in Punarvasu/Pollux ( 1st Pada ) - Sidereal Gemini #astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #magick #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #transits #gemini #nakshatras #fixedstars #planetarymagick
#astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #magick #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #transits #gemini #nakshatras #fixedstars #planetarymagick
Sidereal Transits of the Upgrahas, Lilith, & then some 😁 2/5/2023 #astrologersofmastodon #astrologers #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #planetarymagick #magick #transits
#astrologersofmastodon #astrologers #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #planetarymagick #magick #transits
The Moon has entered Sidereal Leo/Magha Nakshatra #astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #transits #fixedstars
#astrologers #astrologersofmastodon #astrology #vedicastrology #jyotish #transits #fixedstars