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Nashville's #WeGo has plenty of room for improvement, but QuickTicket works really well! It lets me:
* Instantly add money of any denomination, no change cards needed
* Use either the app or a QuickTicket card
* Get automatic transfers
* Never have to pay more than an all-day fare
QuickTicket is a great example of #TransitTech that actually improves the user experience. It makes me more likely to ride #PublicTransit instead of driving, and that should be the goal of every city.
#wego #transittech #publictransit #nashville
Nashville's #WeGo has plenty of room for improvement, but QuickTicket is absolutely brilliant. It lets me:
* Instantly add money of any denomination, no change cards needed
* Use either the app or a QuickTicket card
* Get automatic transfers
* Never have to pay more than an all-day fare
QuickTicket is a great example of #TransitTech that actually improves the user experience. It makes me more likely to ride transit instead of driving, and that should be the goal of every city.