Ron DeSantis Signs Law Allowing Trans Kids to Be Taken From Their Families: The state can now kidnap kids in Florida.
#NewRepublic #RonDeSantisLaw #TransKidsRights #FamilySeparation #ChildProtection #FloridaLaw #Politics #News
#newrepublic #rondesantislaw #transkidsrights #familyseparation #childprotection #floridalaw #politics #news
Indiana governor signs “Don’t Say Gay” bill that forces teachers to out trans kids to their parents. The extreme bill could put trans kids in danger if they asked to be called a new "pronoun, title, or word."
#LGBTQNation #IndianaGovernor #DontSayGayBill #TransKidsRights #ParentalConsent #SafeSchools #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #indianagovernor #DontSayGayBill #transkidsrights #parentalconsent #safeschools #politics #news