The #MastoPrompt for Tuesday 12th September is:
The poem or story can include the prompt word or be about the prompt word.
#SmallPoems #Poetry #MicroFiction #SmallStories
@penprompts (please remove link from any replies)
#SmallStories #MicroFiction #Poetry #smallpoems #translate #MastoPrompt
Come on #Xbox, this is ridiculous (via clanmate)
#xbox #xboxstore #gaming #translate #breng #ameng #gamers #funny
In den frühen Feierabend hinein, sitze ich am Schreiben meiner letzten Wochen dieser aufregenden Reise durch #Japan. Zeitgleich erscheint schon der vierte bebilderte Tag meines #Reisebericht. Hier gehts weiter:
#tagebuch #Rucksack #translate #ryokan #sprache #reisebericht #japan
I wondered why Dialect throws error when I want to use it with Lingva Translate. Then I realized the main instance I was using is down (along with for some reason. Lucky thing it's decentralized so there are some working instances like and
#LingvaTranslate #Lingva #Decentralized #Translate #FosseryTech
#fosserytech #translate #decentralized #Lingva #lingvatranslate
@globcoco @kallekn Whisper is FOSS but not the data it was trained with. It's part of OpenAI. And I have used this implementation to transcribe Finnish phone calls. It's a python app that runs on a terminal, so not super user friendly yet but you run it and it listen to your mic and transcribe what it hears and optionally translate it
#Whisper #LiveWhisper #OpenAI #Transcription #VoiceToText #Translate #Language
#whisper #livewhisper #openai #transcription #voicetotext #translate #language
Devo dire che tradurre in italiano le frasi con "follower", "following", "follow request" non è per niente banale!
Se userete #firefish segnalatemi le scritte che suonano male o non si capiscono. #fediverse #translate
#firefish #fediverse #translate
In #Tusky, when I drag across a piece of text, a context menu comes up. One of the options is to #translate the text. Doesn't Tusky do that for you?
i, personally, like to #translate #other #languages. if you need a solid #foss solution, i recommend Crow:
#translate #other #languages #foss
#bavarder v1.0.0 will be released at the end of the week 🎉🎉 with a new UI, local model support, history, command running and more
If you are a #translator, you can translate on #Codeberg #translate
Thanks everyone who contributed to this release!
#translate #Codeberg #translator #bavarder
How do you #translate your #genealogy documents when working with a language you don't know?
I have been lucky to have professionals do it for me.
I rely on @antoni for Spanish. I know the language, but sometimes want to extract EVERY detail.
Today, I experimented with a Polish 🇵🇱 obituary. I took a screenshot and copied the newspaper text. Then, I used Google Translate. I had to refine the blurry text and add diacritics.
Here is the result, which I'm pretty happy with 😊
Are there any translate tools out there than can read Welsh? #welsh #translate
I have translated #partygames from english to Italian in 3 days to 80 %.
#partygames #translate #translatecodeberg
Натрапив на книгу в epub. Почав читати - російською.
Зрозумів, що краще читати Українською, бо знову мозок перебудується.
Вирішив пошукати, як це перекласти.
- chatGPT перекладає тільки тексти, які ти йому копіюєш. З книгами не так це добре.
- google не перевіряв. Як на мене він косий перекладач.
- знайшов chatGPT його нахвалював. Але великі тексти хоче перекладати за гроші.
Поки на цьому і зупинився.
Again, if you want to contribute to a Free and Open Source projet, you don't need to be a super developer or know how to write code.
You can #translate a software from English to your own language. You can correct translations, review them or suggest you own translations to an existing string.
I translate #YunoHost and will be happy if you too join YunoHost translation platform :blobheart: :
Thank you!
I can #translate your #foss #android #app into 75 #languages
#translate #foss #android #app #languages
I almost always #translate #toots that are in a #language other than #English (I'm not even #bilingual 😢😖). I spend a lot of time on the #Explore tab, where they appear pretty frequently and if they're there then I reckon it's important enough to find out what it says.
How often will you take the time to translate a toot to find out what it says?
(boosting helps!)
#iamdb #explore #bilingual #english #language #toots #translate
👋 @mastodonie there is no '#Translate' link. Is that because does not have it? Is there a way I could have it for all posts not in #English ?