next: In attempt of #pinkwashing, some members of the far-right government marched in #HelsinkiPride last saturday.
Earlier this year there was a huge scandal because Helsinki Pride announced that NCP and Central party are no longer qualified to sponsor the event. This was because both parties voted mostly against the new #transLaw in the spring. Members of yelled in the news for weeks about this being unfair and claiming their members are now banned from all pride events. #naziJokeGovernment
#pinkwashing #helsinkipride #translaw #nazijokegovernment
I can't help with this, as I no longer live in WA. But fellow Washingtonians, you can help with this. Let's make sure trans youth continue to receive proper care in the pnw.
L. N. Mosteller (she/her), Boosted from @aidapsibr: Also, if you are in Washington state, please take the time to comment on support of SB 5489, the companion bill to SB 5599 which does what other blue states have done in protecting trans youth and people seeking reproductive health care from subpoena, extradition, warrants, etc.
#trans #TransRights #TransLaw #TransLaws #TransLivesMatter #ProtectTransYouth #Washington an hour ago. Public.
#trans #transrights #translaw #translaws #translivesmatter #ProtectTransYouth #washington
So uhh...
Finland's trans law has been in the proceedings for quite some time...
In it, the state is finally ditching the sterilization certificate requirement for one to rectify their legal gender, which sure as hell is nice and much needed.
However... Kokoomus (aka National Coalition Party/Neoliberals/Fucking cunts) are now siding with Perussuomalaiset (our MAGA equivalent) and Keskusta (Centre party) on postponing the proposed law...
"Because if men can just change them genders how will they be conscripted then?????"
Seriously, this is the reason why the law is stalling right now.
I find it absurd how there are actual LGBTQ+ folks in this country who vote for that fucking party.
Honestly, like... If this is such a huge deal for them, just make conscription gender neutral or abolish it entirely...
No need to fuck with trans people's lives again.
Anyway, for Kokoomus, human rights are a barganing chip, nothing more.
#kokoomus #finland #translaw #translaki #LGBTQ #TransRights
Article, in Finnish:
(Just as I toot this, there's probably an English version of this article being made, so you may wanna keep an eye out for that here, if interested...
#kokoomus #finland #translaw #translaki #lgbtq #transrights