Google ads is pushing this transmisic "documentary" about detranditioners and how "transitioning hurts people actually"
It claims to have won awards at the Manhattan film festival??? Gross.
Of course it is a grift, you gotta pay $4 to see their stupid documentary.
#transgender #transrights #transmisia #transphobia #google
Now that my state is requiring schools to notify parents of their children's nicknames, does the state provide extra funding to pay for the mandate?
Staff time that could have been used for instruction is now used to surveil and report student nicknames.
Is there a Indiana Bureau of Nicknames at 200 W. Washington St.?
#indiana #HoosierMast #nicknamelaw #education #transmisia #trans
#indiana #hoosiermast #nicknamelaw #education #transmisia #trans
"#Provinssi n toimitusjohtaja Marko Kivelän mukaan yleisökirjoituksen sisältö rikkoi tapahtuman arvoja, joita kutsuvieraita oltiin pyydetty noudattamaan.
#Mäenpää kommentoi Iltasanomille kokeneensa tilanteen "erittäin noloksi", kun järjestysmiehet vetivät #kansanedustaja n sivuun ja ilmoittivat, että hänen kutsunsa ei ole enää voimassa."
Sinä Juha olet nolo. Tilanne sopi siis sinulle oikeinkin hyvin.
#transmisia #persut #äärioikeisto #politiikka #yhteiskunta
#provinssi #maenpaa #kansanedustaja #transmisia #persut #aarioikeisto #politiikka #yhteiskunta
Things I absolutely will not tolerate in my feed:
#TERFs and #GCs (see above)
#Trumpism (see above)
#tankies or #brocialists
authoritarians masquerading as #libertarians (almost all of them, sadly)
#homophobia #transphobia or #transmisia
#misogyny #sexism or #antifeminism
Taylor Swift haters
Putin apologists
nuclear power bros
#neoliberalism or #neofeudalism
Musk suckers
#crypto and #NFT dupes and grifters
#fascism #terfs #gcs #trumpism #racism #tankies #brocialists #libertarians #homophobia #transphobia #transmisia #misogyny #sexism #antifeminism #antivax #mansplaining #cilantro #morrissey #tories #republicans #neoliberalism #neofeudalism #crypto #nft #cops
Cis people in the LGBTQIA+ thread right now:
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia
Trans people: Hey your apology is not really an apology, you're just defending your bigoted behavior. It's clear you don't understand what you actually did wrong.
Cis people coming out of the woodwork to cry about how sad this whole thing is making them: Why do you have to be so divisive? 🙁 Why do you need to keep causing conflict? :blobsad: Can't we all just get along? 😢 I think if you want to be treated with respect you need to be more polite! You should privately message the people attacking you so they can continue attacking you safe in the knowledge that they will not receive any consequences for their behavior because no one knows about it. I can't believe trans people are ruining what used to be my favorite thread which I've never actually interacted with before making this post telling you to stop defending yourselves 💔
#transmisia #inaturalisttransmisia #inaturalist #thingscispeoplesay
#transmisia #inaturalisttransmisia #inaturalist #thingscispeoplesay
Mulla on mennyt ohi, että Tampereella on tapahtunut tällaisia viharikoksia seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjä kohtaan.
Siellä on siis jo joitain kuukausia sateenkaariyökerhon edustalla hyökätty ravintolan edessä olevien kimppuun, heitetty kananmunilla yms.
#homofobia #transmisia #viha #viharikos #syrjintä #yhteiskunta #Tampere #man
#homofobia #transmisia #viha #viharikos #syrjinta #yhteiskunta #tampere #man
Really funny to me that the LGBTQIA+ and iNAturalist thread has been deathly fucking silent ever since the staff banned "political" discussions.
Also love that they edited "do not intentionally misgender anyone" into the first post, but then literally admit that they're redefining misgendering so that it no longer includes.........misgendering. So that even when dozens of people are telling them "This is purposeful misgendering is not okay" they can just shrug and go "Well we, five cis people, disagree with you on the definition of misgendering, so actually that's not hate speech and isn't breaking any rules and Actually, we're banning you for wanting us to do something about it. We five cis people are the experts on transmisia, don't you know?"
#iNaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia #transpride #queerpride
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia #transpride #queerpride
So our Extremely Christian™ neighbor who's never heard of Pokemon Go who just heard the word "transgender" and "nonbinary" for the first time today is more accepting of trans people than the iNaturalist staff who literally get paid to be inclusive lol
#iNaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #nonbinarypride #queerpride #queer #transmisia
#inaturalist #inaturalisttransmisia #transpride #nonbinarypride #queerpride #queer #transmisia
They've put the thread in slow mode to stop me from posting the PM Tiwane just sent me telling me they're going to ban me for a week if I keep asking not to be misgendered
#inaturalist #transpride #transmisia
Sgene on iNaturalist joins the ranks of the transmisics!
"I think you should show respect to women by not implying that they are not “decent” just because they don’t agree with you on some points."
Sarcasm: Ah yes how dare I disrespect women by *checks notes* asking not to be misgendered. O: /sarcasm
I love it when people who are definitely not feminist try to tell me I'm being a misogynist. Zyg you think telling women not to be bigots is disrespecting women.
#inaturalist #transmisia #misgendering #feminism #transfeminism
#inaturalist #transmisia #misgendering #feminism #transfeminism
More of the memes I made in response to the iNaturalist staff/mods being transmisic.
#inaturalist #memes #transpride #nonbinarypride #misgendering #transmisia
#inaturalist #memes #transpride #nonbinarypride #misgendering #transmisia
And iNaturalist staff once again sweeping the problem under the rug by moving the posts out of the main thread even though I explicitly said "do not hide this from people you are literally just making it worse"
#inaturalist #transpride #nonbinarypride #transmisia
Here's some memes I created in response to the iNaturalist staff being transmisic. It's so pathetic because doing the right thing would literally require *less* effort than this charade lofl...
Not sure how many images I can upload at once...
And yes, I am fueled by spite :)
not sure how to tag this, let me know if I should add any more.
#memes #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia #misgendering #exorsexism
#memes #inaturalisttransmisia #transmisia #misgendering #exorsexism
Or those guys doing any type of service which I paid for saying "um, ok" after I correct them "mrs., not mr." - even though they know who they call or picking up (for Bolt drivers). Who allowed you to misgender me? What made you do it? My lower than "normal female" voice? What made you do it when I literally covered all my body in clothes, wear a face mask and a baseball cap? What the fuck is wrong with you, people? #trans #transmisia #transphobia
#trans #transmisia #transphobia Transmisic dress code imposed by Texas Department of Agriculture #USA #TransHate #Transmisia
I definitely feel extra weird when people quote and link tablet magazine for just anything. After they platformed an openly! antisemitic transmisiac? How can you still?
#Mazeldon #jewdiverse #antisemitism #transmisia #transmisogyny
Claims that, or reports suggesting that, those attending the transhate event in Melbourne were surprised by the attendance of nazis or that the nazis gatecrashed the event (e.g., have to be treated with considerable scepticism and may be disingenuous - the transhater was INFAMOUS for such fanatics attending her events in the UK, which was part of my request to the Minister in January to revoke that person's visa - see I've read articles suggesting that people with one form of bigotry will have others, so I don't know why anyone would be surprised by this - and this is a key part of
Here are a few other links:,,
#TranHate #TransMisia #TransGenocide #CrocodileTears #AllBigotsAreLinked #AllHatersAreLinked
#tranhate #transmisia #transgenocide #crocodiletears #allbigotsarelinked #allhatersarelinked