Now it’s time for the first ever christmas with my fam and me not in boymode. Repeat after me:
Hopefully it won’t be terrible though? We’ve long since cut ties with the racist uncles of the family and there’s just some confused libs left :)
Anyway, happy holidays and I hope the people around you can find a way to accept you even when they don’t completely understand you :heart_transgender:
#transNoel #transJoy #happyHoligays
cw: eye contact
#transnoel #transjoy #happyholigays
Je suis toujours surpris de comment certains cis arrivent à inverser la culpabilité, genre ils te mégenrent, tu le leur dis et après tu dois les consoler vu qu'ils sont atrocement blessés de ta remarque (factuelle bien que certes dite d'un ton sec)