#15yrsago Virgin Media cable says that the record industry is in charge of your router configuration https://web.archive.org/web/20080903210334/https://willmcgree.tumblr.com/post/38380033/bpi-letter
#10yrsago #SenatorWarren to US Trade Rep: release the #TransPacificPartnership docs — if they piss the people off, then we shouldn’t be part of it https://web.archive.org/web/20130615142431/http://www.businessweek.com/news/2013-06-13/senator-warren-presses-white-house-to-release-pacific-trade-text
#10yrsago Lawsuit: “#HappyBirthday” is not in copyright, and Warner owes the world hundreds of millions for improperly collected royalties https://www.techdirt.com/2013/06/13/filmmaker-finally-aims-to-get-court-to-admit-that-happy-birthday-is-public-domain/
#15yrsago #10yrsago #senatorwarren #transpacificpartnership #happybirthday
In particular, they inflated the value of digital trade to US officials, convincing them that getting wins for the digital industry would have an outsized impact on the US economy. This is reflected in the terms of the #TransPacificPartnership, a trade deal that was negotiated in the utmost secrecy, in hotels all over the world surrounded by armed guards, where neither the press nor activists were welcome.
#TPP11、12月30日発効へ 6カ国が国内手続き終了: #日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO37155380R31C18A0000000/
兎にも角にも、#TPP の発効が決まったわけね。
#tpp18 #TPPIJawaTimur #tppilamongan #transpacificpartnership #canada #NewZealand
#tpp11 #日本経済新聞 #tpp #tpp18 #tppijawatimur #tppilamongan #transpacificpartnership #canada #newzealand