#Parteispenden #Öffentlichmachung #Transparenz #Transparency #TransparencyInternational #Briefing 266 #Großspenden #Käuflichkeit #Corruption #CDU #FDP #AfD #SPD #DieLinke #Demokratie #Privatspenden #Spenden #Lobbyismus #Kapital #Capitalism #PartG
Parteispenden ab 2.000 € veröffentlichen? (Umfrage + Kommentar) | Briefing 266 | PPP (Politik, Personen, Parteien), Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft
#parteispenden #offentlichmachung #transparenz #transparency #transparencyinternational #briefing #großspenden #kauflichkeit #corruption #cdu #fdp #afd #spd #dielinke #demokratie #privatspenden #spenden #lobbyismus #kapital #capitalism #partg
Remember the #OpenSecretContracts campaign? It filled out freedom of information requests worldwide and was supported by over 30 orgs like #GlobalWitness #TransparencyInternational #WebFoundation and more https://bit.ly/3rnDR5g
Other #OpenGov milestones 🏛️✨ https://bit.ly/3JK9ex7
#opensecretcontracts #GlobalWitness #transparencyinternational #webfoundation #opengovretro #opengov
Wie ironisch in Russland über von der Leyens Korruption gesprochen wird https://www.anti-spiegel.ru/2023/wie-ironisch-in-russland-ueber-von-der-leyens-korruption-gesprochen-wird/ #MeldungenderrussischenMedien #russischesAußenministerium #TransparencyInternational #mRNA-Impfstoff #westlicheWerte #vonderLeyen #Bellingcat #Korruption #Covid-19 #Pfizer #EU
#eu #pfizer #covid #korruption #bellingcat #vonderleyen #westlichewerte #mrna #transparencyinternational #russischesaußenministerium #meldungenderrussischenmedien
Ursula Vonderleyen doit présenter aujourd'hui son #bidule pour répondre à la crise du #Qatargate Car aussi dingue que ça semble, il n'y a aucune structure en 2023 chargée de contrôler l'intégrité du parlement.
Il s'agira de "ausculter les différentes institutions de l'UE, leur trouver des règles communes et harmoniser leurs différences en matière de normes anti-corruption"
La future entité n'aura aucun pouvoir coercitif.
Son rôle sera uniquement de proposer, conseiller et accompagner.
Au mieux froncer les sourcils et faire des rapports à...la présidente du parlement.
Car Ursula Von der Leyen est l'unique personne au parlement européen qui soit chargée de veiller à l'intégrité...du parlement.
Plus transparent et plus démocratique, tu meurs.
#UE #Corruption #TransparencyInternational #ParlementEuropeen #VonDerLeyen
#bidule #Qatargate #ue #corruption #transparencyinternational #parlementeuropeen #vonderleyen
"#TransparencyInternational" lehnt also einen Untersuchungsausschuss zur Causa #Graichen ab.
"Transparency" - so ein schönes Wort.
Geklaut von @LibertyHannes@twitter.com
#graichen #transparencyinternational
#evropskyparlament #europoslanci
„Problém není samotná cesta do zahraničí, ta je zcela v souvislosti s diplomatickou prací europoslanců. Co ovšem problém je: kdo a za jakých podmínek návštěvu platí,“ říká v rozhovoru odborník na lobbing v 🇪🇺 institucích z #TransparencyInternational ⤵️ https://www.irozhlas.cz/zpravy-svet/evropsky-parlament-europoslanci-cestovani-lobbing-katargate_2304040500_aur
#evropskyparlament #europoslanci #transparencyinternational
Moscow City Crypto Exchanges Ready to Send Cash to London, Report - An investigation into digital asset exchanges in the Russian capital has establish... - https://news.bitcoin.com/moscow-city-crypto-exchanges-ready-to-send-cash-to-london-report/ #transparencyinternational #cryptocurrencies #cryptoexchanges #cryptoexchange #cryptocurrency #britishpounds #restrictions #transparency #stablecoins #moscowcity #exchanges #sanctions #transfers #exchange #garantex #russian #crypto #moscow #cash
#cash #moscow #crypto #russian #garantex #exchange #transfers #sanctions #exchanges #moscowcity #stablecoins #transparency #restrictions #britishpounds #cryptocurrency #cryptoexchange #cryptoexchanges #cryptocurrencies #transparencyinternational
From The Cambodia Daily’s weekly dispatch:
“GRAFT LAUGH: Cambodia was ranked the third most-corrupt country in Asia, behind North Korea and Myanmar. Unconcerned officials barely bothered to respond, dismissing the detailed report as the “opinion” of one organization.”
| https://open.substack.com/pub/cambodiadaily/p/chinese-debt-fears-intensify-cpp?r=7p2cc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post.
Visit the Cambodia Daily at https://english.cambodiadaily.com/
And see Transparency International Cambodia’s press release at https://www.ticambodia.org/cpi2022/ #Cambodia #Corruption #TransparencyInternational
#cambodia #corruption #transparencyinternational
From The Cambodia Daily’s weekly dispatch:
“GRAFT LAUGH: Cambodia was ranked the third most-corrupt country in Asia, behind North Korea and Myanmar. Unconcerned officials barely bothered to respond, dismissing the detailed report as the “opinion” of one organization.”
| https://open.substack.com/pub/cambodiadaily/p/chinese-debt-fears-intensify-cpp?r=7p2cc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post.
And see Transparency International Cambodia’s press release at https://www.ticambodia.org/cpi2022/ #Cambodia #Corruption #TransparencyInternational
#cambodia #corruption #transparencyinternational
RT @timetospeakoutt
@mikegalsworthy Oh and simultaneously, the UK has fallen seven places down #TransparencyInternational’s global #corruption perceptions index, as it warns of “woeful inadequacies” in upholding political #integrity. This represents the biggest fall among the G7 countries.
#corruption #integrity #transparencyinternational
Wenn Staaten Korruption als Mittel nutzen, um außenpolitische Ziele zu erreichen, spricht man von strategischer Korruption. Jüngstes Beispiel: der Korruptionsskandal um EUVizevorsitzende Eva Kaili. Wie funktioniert strategische Korruption und was kann man dagegen tun?
#Kaili #Korruption #Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex #strategischeKorruption #TransparencyInternational
#kaili #korruption #korruptionswahrnehmungsindex #strategischekorruption #transparencyinternational
Das hört sich zumindest gut an: Die Stadt #Frankfurt will Mitglied bei #TransparencyInternational werden und sich stärker gegen #Korruption engagieren:
#korruption #transparencyinternational #frankfurt
Nein, #TransparencyInternational ( @anticorruption / @transparency ) sagte nicht, dass #Ukrainer mehr als 70 Prozent der humanitären Hilfe weiterverkauften
#fakenewserwischt #transparencyinternational #ukrainer
Nein, #TransparencyInternational ( @anticorruption / @transparency ) sagte nicht, dass #Ukrainer mehr als 70 Prozent der humanitären Hilfe weiterverkauften
#fakenewserwischt #transparencyinternational #ukrainer
"#EU-Vizeparlamentspräsidentin #Kaili festgenommen. (..) Sie soll säckeweise #Bargeld gehortet haben. (..) Es handele sich "nicht um einen Einzelfall", erklärte #TransparencyInternational nach den Festnahmen."
Alta .. whoooo .. heftigste #Korruption in der höchsten Ebene der #EU. 🤯
What's the matter? Werdet ihr da zu schlecht bezahlt?? 🤣
#eu #kaili #Bargeld #transparencyinternational #Korruption
🔴 #Madagascar: Executive Director of #TransparencyInternational Initiative Madagascar summoned after denouncing corruption
⁉️ “The Madagascar authorities must refrain from the misuse of the justice system to harass and intimidate human rights defenders. Ketakandriana has done nothing more than carry out her work exposing serious allegations of potential corruption, fraud and money laundering."
ℹ️ Information from #AmnestyInternational: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/ketakandriana-rafitoson-summoned/
✍️ #Petition in solidarity: https://chng.it/VpG74PsgXQ
#madagascar #transparencyinternational #amnestyinternational #petition
Iraq: Auditors uncover massive embezzlement scheme — reports
#embezzlement #taxfraud #Iraq #corruption #TransparencyInternational
#transparencyinternational #corruption #iraq #taxfraud #embezzlement
#TransparencyInternational had arranged for billboard to be erected on the way to Nusa Dua, Bali, so G20 leaders might be reminded of what’s driving so many of our global problems. The Governor of Bali stopped it. Read more here https://www.transparency.org/en/press/g20-bali-summit-leaders-cannot-continue-to-ignore-kleptocracy
Since I’m new here, here’s a little about myself. 👋 I’m one of the many #twitterrefugees. Spaniard living in #Berlin for almost 10 years (with poor German skills). I am a #SocialMedia Manager & I work for an NGO called #TransparencyInternational. Interesting topics for me are: #lgbtq, #climate, #pressfreedom, #humanrights & #anticorruption. But I also like to talk about TV (fiction, realities, #dragrace etc) & movies (#MCU, animation, horror, comedy) And I’m also dad to a #frenchbulldog.
#twitterrefugees #berlin #socialmedia #transparencyinternational #lgbtq #climate #pressfreedom #humanrights #anticorruption #dragrace #mcu #frenchbulldog