@BrentToderian Nothing about diverting car drivers to other SAFE and CONVENIENT modes. Of course, mode choice isn’t possible when the street network serves only auto drivers. Build it (a well connected, convenient and safe bicycle network, meeting travel needs in an urban environment from anywhere to everywhere, and serving all ages and abilities) and they will come. Protected bike lanes on major streets is the key. #bikes #urbanPlanning #transportation #transportationcycling
#bikes #UrbanPlanning #transportation #transportationcycling
Great article by Auston Chhor on why the Stanley Park Drive bike lane should stay. I’m a bit biased because I’m quoted in it. ;) Here’s me, my fam, and my friend Krista on that cold, rainy #LoveTheLane ride. thetyee.ca/Opinion/2022/11/15/... #BikeYVR #ActiveTransportation #TransportationCycling #RideInTheRain #Vancouver #FamilyBiking #cargobikes
#LoveTheLane #bikeyvr #activetransportation #transportationcycling #rideintherain #vancouver #FamilyBiking #cargobikes
Great article by Auston Chhor on why the Stanley Park Drive bike lane should stay. I’m a bit biased because I’m quoted in it. ;) Here’s me, my fam, and my friend Krista on that cold, rainy #LoveTheLane ride.
#BikeYVR #ActiveTransportation #TransportationCycling #RideInTheRain #Vancouver #FamilyBiking #CargoBikes
#LoveTheLane #bikeyvr #activetransportation #transportationcycling #rideintherain #vancouver #FamilyBiking #cargobikes